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Jason W.

Jason W.

25-35 Tranche d'âge

1 enfant , 5 - ans

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Commencer: 06 / 2024 - 07 / 2024
Disponible pour: 3 months - 12 months
Nom Jason W.
Nationalité American
Langues parlées English
Nous vivons dans United States of America
Inscrit le 04/07/2023
Dernière connexion 7 months ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this family. They may be scammers.

Introduction personnelle

I am a surgeon with a busy work schedule but easy going and fun loving personality. I live in my own estate with my son/dog. I'm looking for a family member who will integrate into my household to help me in my personal affairs while enjoying her stay in the United States. I'm looking for a young and energetic girl with an eager to please personality and friendly demeanor. Needs to have strong communication skills and needs to be well kept and maintained. I am in a strong financial position and will offer excellent compensation and perks and privileges for whoever can take on this role for me and make my life less stressful.

Le travail de l'Au pair

Needs to help clean/maintain my estate. Needs to befriend and watch my dog when I am busy with work. Needs to be willing to perform any and all tasks that I ask her to do for me. Needs to be fluent in English and be well kept and maintained so that she may represent me and speak on my behalf if I am away. Needs to be young and energetic with an eager to please attitude. Needs to be friendly and fun loving and willing to integrate herself in my household and social life as a family member. Will be given a private room and treated like my own family. Will be compensated well and rewarded for any extra work that is required.

Galerie de photos

Cliquez sur les images pour les voir en taille réelle.


Préfère Au pair du sexe femme
Couples au pair acceptés Non
L'aupair devra conduire Non
Soins aux personnes âgées requis Non
Ménage demandé au pair Moyen

À propos de

Famille monoparentale oui
Notre religion No Religion
Nous pratiquons notre religion Non
Nous avons des enfants avec des besoins spéciaux Non
Nous avons besoin de garde pour les enfants de moins de 2 ans Non