I would love to become an au pair, because I am highly interested to see how people from different backrounds live and see cultural differences and share them together! I seek adventure and I love children and meeting new people
I want to be an au pair because I would love to explore new countries, be with children and help families! I enjoy spending time with people of all kinds and ages. I’m excited to come any country. You can ask me anything and I will answer the best I can!
Jag skulle vilja vara au pair eftersom jag tror att det är ett utmärkt sätt att lära sig det andra inhemska språket flytande. Dessutom kan man genom au pair-erfarenheten lära sig nya saker om en främmande kultur.
I would like to be aupair, because I enjoy to be with kids. Also I would like to see other cultures and learn more English. I have always (since I remeber) wanted to be aupair. Maybe because my mom was when she were younger and she liked it. Also I think this could be good experience and job ...
Hi! I would like to be an au pair, because I want to experiece new thinghs and cultures. I love kids and pets and I'm good with them, too. I would love to live in other country and prectice my language skills.
Hi! I’m graduating from high school this summer and after that I want to see the world. So I have been thinking about becoming an aupair. I love kids and I get along with them very well. I have also done a ton of household chores so they aren’t a problem either.
I want to be an au pair because I'm interested in getting new experiences and meeting new people while helping a family with their everyday needs!
Jag vill lärä mig svenska eftersom det kommer at vara användbart i framtiden. Jag kommer från Finland och här vi har två officiell språk, men jag blir att jag kan inte svenska. Jag gillar att vara med barn och kommer från en stora familij. Jag hoppas att detta kommer att bli en rolig ...