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Stacey K.

Stacey K.

30 age, Female

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Starting: 06 / 2024 - 01 / 2025
Available for: 1 month - 6 months
Name Stacey K.
Nationality Irish
Spoken language(s) English
Now living in Ireland
Wants to be an au pair in Japan , Japan , Japan
Registered on 25/05/2024
Last login 5 months ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this aupair. They may be scammers.

Personal introduction

日本のワーキングホリデービザを取得したばかりのステイシーです。アイルランドの牧場で育ちました。双子の兄と9歳年下の妹がいます。イギリスではバーミンガムの大学に通いました。カナダとオーストラリアにも2年ずつ住んだことがあります。 日本に来てauペインで働きたいと思うようになったのは、日本の異なる文化にずっと興味があったからです。私の大叔父のロイは笠間に住む引退した陶芸家なので、日本の話を聞いて育ちました。訪れるのが楽しみです。日常生活を学び、体験し、できれば日本語も学びたい。 私についてもっと知りたいことがあれば、遠慮なく聞いてください。ありがとうございました。 Hello, my name is Stacey and I've just received my working holiday visa for Japan. I'm 30 years old and grew up on a dariy/beef farm in Ireland. I have three other siblings, including my twin brother and a sister that is nine years younger than me. I lived in England, where I attended University in Birmingham. I have lived in Canada and Australia as well, for two years each. I want to come and au pain in Japan because I have always been interested in the different culture you have. My great uncle Roy is a retired potter living in Kasama, so I've grown up listening to stories about Japan. I'm excited to visit. I want to learn and experience everyday life, and hopefully learn some Japanese. If you want to know anything more about me, please feel free to ask. Thank you for your time.

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Worked before in your selected country? No
Preferred location A Town
Will you do housework? Yes
Will you care for children under age 2? Yes
Preferred ages of children 4 and over
Will you accept a single parent family? Yes
Will you care for special needs children? No
Will you care for pets? Yes
Will you care for elderly people? No


Marital status Single
Are you part of an au pair couple? No
Do you have a driving licence? Yes
How long have you had a driving licence? 5 and more
Are you willing to drive? Yes
Dietary considerations None
Religion No Religion
Do you practice your religion? No
Have you ever worked as an Au pair? No