Hallo my Name is nina I have 2 childrens. Benjamin is 4,5 jears old and Florian is 1.5 I am looking for a friendly Girl for my Boys .
wir suchen ab JANUAR 2015 ein Mädchen, dass gerne Zeit mit Kindern verbringt, Tiere gern mag und mir im Haushalt hilft! Wir wünschen uns von dir, dass du eine schöne Zeit bei uns hast, dich in unsere Familie integrierst, ehrlich, verlässlich, offen und kommunikativ bist, du ...
I am looking for a reliable au pair from all over the world to stay with us for at least 12 months. I am friendly, respecting others, quiet, non smoker.
As from January 2015 we are looking for an experienced (min 1 year), flexible and reliable nanny that loves to work with children and become part of our family and could stay at least for ONE year. We try to raise our kids open minded, behaving polite and with respect to every person. They are ...
I am a single parent and try to spend as much time as possible with my children, but I also have to work. My son needs help with studying, which I cannot provide. This is why we started thinking about hosting an au pair.
We live in Klagenfurt/Austria and have one baby girl (7 month) and two dogs (rhodesian ridgeback and cavalier king charles spaniel) It is essential that you have experience with babies and dogs. We are looking for an Au Pair that also helps in the house We live in an apartment with a garden ...
Wir sind eine Familie aus Kärnten und suchen ein Aupairmädchen das deutsch sprechen kann und sich um unsere Kinder kümmert. Die Kinder sind 5 und 8 Jahre alt und ein baby mit 11 monaten. Alles buben. Wir haben ein großes Haus mit großem Garten und schwimmteich.
Liebes Au Pair Dear Au Pair, we are looking for kind, well educated and responcible girl to live in our family for the next year. We are living in the very center of Vienna and can offer you a very comfortable conditions and a friendly atmosphere. We would appreciate a lot if you can play ...
we are a simple Family with 2 children. 10 and 9 years old. I am a language Tutor and my husband is a bull farmer. we are looking for an au pair who has a valid driver's license as you will have to drive everyday. The children have many after School activities and they Need to be driven. ...
I am a single mother of three kids, two boys and one girl. Because of my work I have to be a lot abroad, so I am looking somebody who can live with us and has a very flexible, warm and happy, positive personality.