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Yolanda S.

Yolanda S.

35-45 Tranche d'âge

2 enfants , 10, 8 - ans

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Commencer: 09 / 2014 - 06 / 2015
Disponible pour: 9 months - 9 months
Nom Yolanda S.
Nationalité Spanish
Langues parlées Spanish
Nous vivons dans Spain
Inscrit le 03/06/2014
Dernière connexion 3 months+
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this family. They may be scammers.

Introduction personnelle

We are a family with two children, Marcos, 10 years old an Inés , 8 years old. They study in the Deutsch Schule in Bilbao. they like a lot speak deutsch, and sometimes they need help with them homework. Marcos plays the flute. He doesn´t like football, but he likes a lot taekwondo. But the most important thing for him are the nature and the animals. He is always reading about them. Inés likes to sing and to dance. She likes a lot to cook, and she uses to help in the kitchen. She has a strong character but she is very lovely and close. Iñaki, my husband, an me are engineers. He travels a lot, because of his job. That´s why I need to have some help at home with the children.

Le travail de l'Au pair

We are looking for an au pair who really likes children. To stay with them is not always easy, and sometimes it´s necesary to be patient, and sometimes to be strict. We think that the au pair must be a funny, resposible and pattient person. The most important for us above to have an au pair is that he must be another menber of the family. We wouldn´t like to have a strange living with us, that´s why he must be a close person.


Préfère Au pair du sexe femme
Couples au pair acceptés Non
L'aupair devra conduire Non
Soins aux personnes âgées requis Non
Ménage demandé au pair Moyen

À propos de

Famille monoparentale Non
Notre religion Roman Catholic
Nous pratiquons notre religion oui
Nous avons des enfants avec des besoins spéciaux Non
Nous avons besoin de garde pour les enfants de moins de 2 ans Non