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Sylvia V.

Sylvia V.

35-45 Tranche d'âge

3 enfants , 7, 9, 11 - ans

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Commencer: 01 / 2025 - 02 / 2025
Disponible pour: 12 months - 12 months
Nom Sylvia V.
Nationalité Dutch
Langues parlées Dutch
Nous vivons dans Netherlands
Inscrit le 05/10/2024
Dernière connexion 3 weeks ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this family. They may be scammers.

Introduction personnelle

Hi there! We are a family with 2 girls and 1 boy, age 7, 9 and 11 yrs old. We live in Leiden, the oldest University city of The Netherlands; 20 minutes by train to Amsterdam and The Hague and possible to bike to the beach in less than 30 min. We are looking for a loving au pair to support us with the kids, taking them to school and picking them up from school 3 days a week, bringing them to sports, cook dinner 3 days a week and have fun with them. We have 3 sweet cats at home as well and a large back yard. Hope to get in contact!

Le travail de l'Au pair

You will be helping out in the mornings, getting the kids ready for school. 2-3 days a week you will be taking them to school (because we will be out to work). 3 days a week you will be picking them up from school. Sometimes arrange play dates with friends. And now and then taking them to sports or music lessons, or play with them at home. 3 days a week you will be cooking dinner. We have a house keeper every week for cleaning the house. But doing the laundry, changing bed sheets and tidying up some is in your schedule.

Galerie de photos

Cliquez sur les images pour les voir en taille réelle.


Préfère Au pair du sexe femme
Couples au pair acceptés Non
L'aupair devra conduire Non
Soins aux personnes âgées requis Non
Ménage demandé au pair Moyen

À propos de

Famille monoparentale Non
Notre religion No Religion
Nous pratiquons notre religion Non
Nous avons des enfants avec des besoins spéciaux Non
Nous avons besoin de garde pour les enfants de moins de 2 ans Non