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M M.

M M.

18 âge, femme

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Départ: 07 / 2025 - 07 / 2025
Disponible pour: 1 month - 1 month
Nom M M.
Nationalité Italian
Langues parlées Italian
Vivant maintenant dans United States of America
Veut être un au pair à Spain , France , Netherlands
Inscrit le 29/01/2025
Dernière connexion a month ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this aupair. They may be scammers.

Introduction personnelle

Dear Host Family, I'm Martina, I'm 17 years old, but i will turn 18 in february and I'm from Italy. I am currently doing my exchange year in USA. I love tavel and i like describe me like a dynamic, mature and multitasking girl. I'm very patient and kind person. I like discovere other cultures and spending time with children. I speak English, a little bit of Spanish and French. I would become an au pair because i like discovere a new culture, to expand my knowledge and with the kids is a good way to learn more about that country and improve the language. My experience with the children started 5 months ago. In Italy I have just a older sister. So when I came here, in the Usa, my host family was composed of 3 kids: 5,10,12 years old(one boy and 2 girls). At the begging was a shock because i wasn't used to it, so I tried to create a relationship with them. I went out from my comfort zone and I challenged myself. I started doing more activities with them like sleepover, doing make up, watching series, playing different kind of games. I started to take care of them, like cooking with them. I really enjoing spend time with them because i can also learn from them. After these few months i can say that my skills with children improved a lot, because i learned what can make them happy and what they need. Every child is different and is beautiful to know this diversity. In my free time i usually go for a walk and sometimes my host kids also came with me, because i think it is good for them to be outside and play around the nature. I also like cook some different foods or something that reminds me my gradma's foods. I like go to the cinema or watching series. I like play games like board games. I like to be active and discovere new things.

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Lieu préféré Any
Ferez-vous le ménage ? oui
Prendrez-vous soin d'enfants de moins de 2 ans ? Non
Âge préféré des enfants
Accepterez-vous une famille monoparentale ? oui
Prendrez-vous soin d'enfants ayant des besoins spéciaux? Non
Allez-vous vous occuper des animaux de compagnie? Non
Prendrez-vous soin des personnes âgées ? Non

À propos de

État civil Single
faites vous partie d'un couple au pair ? Non
Avez-vous un permis de conduire? Non
Depuis combien de temps avez-vous un permis de conduire ? Moins de 1 an
Êtes-vous prêt à conduire? Non
Considérations diététiques None
La religion Roman Catholic
Pratiquez-vous votre religion ? oui
Avez-vous déjà travaillé comme un au pair ? Non