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Yulia A.

Yulia A.

24 âge, femme

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Départ: 10 / 2024 - 03 / 2025
Disponible pour: 6 months - 12 months
Nom Yulia A.
Nationalité Indonesian
Langues parlées English
Vivant maintenant dans Indonesia
Veut être un au pair à Switzerland , Netherlands , Belgium
Inscrit le 06/09/2024
Dernière connexion 4 weeks ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this aupair. They may be scammers.

Introduction personnelle

My first job was babysitting my nephew which I gained a lot of knowledge on how to care for a child, to ensure that he is safe, comfortable and engaged. Since 2 years ago, ocassionally my cousins always ask me to look after her 7 years old daughter for full time while she's out of town for work . This made me more interested in childcare and I looked for other more formal ways of practicing the skill. I was also a volunteer English teacher to primary school children and I assisted them in their language lessons while at the same time ensuring that learning was as fun as it could be. It was challenging yet very creative, as I had to work patiently with each child, finding out and applying the most effective way of teaching them. Also, I have been involved in different volunteer programs that are aimed at children’s development; one of them involved coordination of creative, group and self-achievement programs. Become an au pair abroad always been a bucket list of mine for several reasons. I love traveling particularly learning new cultures. By being an au pair, I can immerse my self in new culture, learn the local languages, meet new people and border my horizon. Living with the host family not only help me to understand the local culture and habit but also share my own cultural background and traditions, creating a valuable exchange for both sides.

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Avez-vous déjà travaillé dans le pays que vous avez sélectionné ? Non
Lieu préféré Any
Ferez-vous le ménage ? oui
Prendrez-vous soin d'enfants de moins de 2 ans ? oui
Âge préféré des enfants
Accepterez-vous une famille monoparentale ? oui
Prendrez-vous soin d'enfants ayant des besoins spéciaux? oui
Allez-vous vous occuper des animaux de compagnie? oui
Prendrez-vous soin des personnes âgées ? oui

À propos de

État civil Single
faites vous partie d'un couple au pair ? Non
Avez-vous un permis de conduire? Non
Depuis combien de temps avez-vous un permis de conduire ? Moins de 1 an
Êtes-vous prêt à conduire? Non
Considérations diététiques None
La religion Islamic
Pratiquez-vous votre religion ? oui
Avez-vous déjà travaillé comme un au pair ? Non