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Narayani P.

Narayani P.

21 âge, femme

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Départ: 08 / 2024 - 08 / 2025
Disponible pour: 12 months - 18 months
Nom Narayani P.
Nationalité Nepalese
Langues parlées English
Vivant maintenant dans Nepal
Veut être un au pair à Netherlands , Netherlands , Netherlands
Inscrit le 22/06/2024
Dernière connexion 2 months ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this aupair. They may be scammers.

Introduction personnelle

My name is narayani. I am 22 years old . I would like to describe myself as a reliable and caring person, who tries to make the best out of every situation. I completed my high school in 2021 from Campion Kathmandu Secondary school. I had work as a Montessori trainee for two years. I want to be an Au - pair because I am well experienced with the children and I would like to gain complete knowledge in future too. Further I want to learn more about culture and tradition and want to visit different places. I found this Au- pair program to be an interesting exchange between two countries for young women. Being able to learn new languages, culture and to see beautification of country will be the best opportunity for me. One of the strong reasons to take big step and become Au-pair year is to grab excellent chance to fulfill my all dreams. I am very pleased to be part of loveable family, spending time with them, sharing everyday life with local family will be greatest experience. Talking about myself I am hardworking, disciplined, quick learner and joyful person. Most importantly it would be great chance to spend an entire year taking care of Children, which I am very fond of. Moreover, being responsible for young children, helping them in their education, playing their favorite game and giving them valuable knowledge has played a major role for me to become more passionate and mature.

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Avez-vous déjà travaillé dans le pays que vous avez sélectionné ? Non
Lieu préféré In the Country
Ferez-vous le ménage ? oui
Prendrez-vous soin d'enfants de moins de 2 ans ? oui
Âge préféré des enfants 1234567
Accepterez-vous une famille monoparentale ? oui
Prendrez-vous soin d'enfants ayant des besoins spéciaux? oui
Allez-vous vous occuper des animaux de compagnie? oui
Prendrez-vous soin des personnes âgées ? oui

À propos de

État civil Single
faites vous partie d'un couple au pair ? Non
Avez-vous un permis de conduire? Non
Depuis combien de temps avez-vous un permis de conduire ? Moins de 1 an
Êtes-vous prêt à conduire? Non
Considérations diététiques None
La religion Hinduism
Pratiquez-vous votre religion ? Non
Avez-vous déjà travaillé comme un au pair ? Non