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Hana L.

Hana L.

18 âge, femme

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Départ: 06 / 2024 - 08 / 2024
Disponible pour: 1 month - 3 months
Nom Hana L.
Nationalité Czech
Langues parlées English
Vivant maintenant dans Czech Republic
Veut être un au pair à Ireland , Spain , Italy
Inscrit le 02/03/2024
Dernière connexion 2 months ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this aupair. They may be scammers.

Introduction personnelle

I have always had positive relationship and great interest in working with children, learning about their specific needs and ways to interact with them, influence them. As an aspiring English teacher I would love to gain experience working abroad and widen my horizons. Currently, I am a private English tutor, I teach 6 children ages 10-15. My main aim while teaching is to support these young people on their personal journey with English AND in their lives rather than have them memorise difficult grammar structures by heart. It is my priority to create healthy relationships with children and safe environment where boundaries are set and at the same time they know they can always rely on me, I will always do my best to try to understand them and they are not just walking parents’ wallets to me. I believe childcare and educating is my purpose on this planet and it is a great dream of mine to be able to be a nanny / teacher abroad. I am constantly trying to self-improve as a teacher and as a person. I am always open to communication and I believe I possess a good range of characteristics needed for the job such as empathy, creativity or enthusiasm. I will be more than happy to provide you with as much information as you need about my experience, me as a person or anything else you might want to know! Feel free to contact me!

Galerie de photos

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Prendrez-vous soin d'enfants de moins de 2 ans ? oui
Âge préféré des enfants
Accepterez-vous une famille monoparentale ? oui
Prendrez-vous soin d'enfants ayant des besoins spéciaux? oui
Allez-vous vous occuper des animaux de compagnie? oui
Prendrez-vous soin des personnes âgées ? oui

À propos de

État civil Single
faites vous partie d'un couple au pair ? Non
Avez-vous un permis de conduire? Non
Depuis combien de temps avez-vous un permis de conduire ? Moins de 1 an
Êtes-vous prêt à conduire? Non
Considérations diététiques None
La religion Atheist
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Avez-vous déjà travaillé comme un au pair ? Non