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One of the reasons I chose to be an Au Pair is to take on the personal challenge of being part of a home with a different language and culture, and I am excited about the idea of supporting your family. Another reason is my passion for getting to know new cultures and people. I am eager to learn ...
My motivation to become an Au Pair comes from a combination of my passion for working with children, my desire to experience new cultures, and the opportunity to develop personally. Since I began my studies in Spanish and Foreign Languages Education, I discovered that I love teaching and caring for ...
I want to be an au pair because I love working with kids, and it’s a great way to grow personally and professionally. I also want to improve my English, experience life in a new culture, and meet new people. This opportunity would let me fully immerse myself in a new environment while doing ...
Me interesa convertirme en au pair porque creo que es una oportunidad única para crecer personal y profesionalmente mientras me sumerjo en una nueva cultura. Amo trabajar con niños y disfruto ayudarlos a aprender y desarrollarse. Ser au pair me permitirá no solo brindar cuidado y apoyo a una ...
I want to be an au pair because I would like to learn about a new culture, and the best way is to be part of a family in that country. Also, I want to improve my language skills and children are the best professors. In addition, I have a special connection with kids, so I like to talk, play, and ...
The reason I want to become an au pair is that I genuinely enjoy being in the company of children. I am motivated by the opportunity to care for your children and become a part of your family, sharing in your daily lives and learning from your culture while teaching you about mine. I am excited to ...
Ich möchte als Au-Pair in Deutschland sein, weil ich eine neue Sprache lernen möchte, mehr über die deutsche Kultur kennen zu lernen, über die faszinierende Archithektur zu erfahren, dass Essen zu propieren und das tägliche Leben mit einer deutschen Familie zu erleben.
I want to be an au pair because I really like learning about new cultures, languages and having new experiences, in addition to improving my English.
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