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Ugonna A.

Ugonna A.

25-35 Altersgruppe

2 Kinder , 2 years, 1 week old - Jahre alt

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Start: 06 / 2024 - 07 / 2024
Verfügbar für: 1 month - 18 months
Name Ugonna A.
Staatsangehörigkeit Nigerian
Gesprochene Sprache(n) English
Wir leben in United States of America
Registriert am 22/06/2022
Letzte Anmeldung 9 months ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this family. They may be scammers.

Persönliche Einführung

My name is Ugonna Amadi, I am married with a 2 year old, and a one week old baby. I am looking for a great match for my precious baby, want someone that is able to create a lovely bond with my baby. Someone that is intuitive and with a good heart, hard working, kind, gentle and affectionate. I own business that takes me out of the house for 8 hrs in a day so it would be great to find someone that my baby bonds with and feels safe with as well. Also someone that is able to blend well with my African culture. Look forward in meeting you.

Die Arbeit des Aupairs

You would be caring for an infant, Which includes feeding the infant, bathing the infant, changing diapers, cleaning and organizing her room doing her laundry, washing her bottles used in feeding, cleaning her bathroom used in washing her. Everything that has to do with the baby is handled by the aupair while working.


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Bevorzugtes Au Pair eines Geschlechts Weiblich
Aupair-Paare akzeptiert Nein
Das Aupair muss Auto fahren Nein
Betreuung älterer Menschen ist erforderlich Nein
Hausarbeit vom Aupair erwünscht Durchschnitt


Alleinerziehende Familie Nein
Unsere Religion Christian Orthodox
Wir praktizieren unsere Religion Ja
Wir haben Kinder mit besonderen Bedürfnissen Nein
Wir benötigen Betreuung für Kinder unter 2 Jahren Ja