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Hello, I would like to become an au pair because I love children and I have many younger cousins that I often look after. It would also be an amazing opportunity for me to get to know Turkey, which I am in love with since I was a little girl, and have no idea why. By being an au pair I could ...
Dear Host Family, My name is Lili, and I am very excited about the opportunity to become your au pair! I come from Slovenia and am currently finishing my final years at Gimnazija Ledina, a high school in Ljubljana. I am a very active and open person. I love filling my day with different ...
Hallo! Mein Name ist Pia. Ich bin derzeit ein Gymnasiast, der auf dem langen Weg ist, Psychotherapeut zu werden. Ich mag es, mich auf unterschiedliche Weise herauszufordern, indem ich beispielsweise neue Dinge ausprobiere, aus dem Leben lerne und meine Kreativität vorantreibe. Ich bin eine ...
I want to be an au pair because I love working with children and experiencing new cultures. I believe this opportunity will allow me to improve my language skills, gain a deeper understanding of everyday life in another country, and become part of a family with different traditions. I also like the ...
Hello :) ! I am Gaja, 20 years old. I come from Slovenia. I speak English fluently. I love traveling and children, so this seems like a perfect combination. I have been a babysitter several times, but never an AuPair. My mother also has her own Montessori preschool kindergarten, that's why I'm no ...
Perchè amo tantissimo i bambini mi rendono davvero felice e ho lavorato molto con i bambini sia nel asilo che anche nella scuola e oltre questo anche frequento università per educatrice nella scuola primaria e secondaria.
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