Hello, My name is Lucy Grognet, I am 24 years old, and I am originally from France, living near Paris. I am looking for an exciting opportunity to live and work in a vibrant, dynamic city in Australia or the USA. I am eager to immerse myself in the culture and improve my spoken English in a ...
I would love to become an au pair because it offers a unique opportunity to experience a new culture while gaining valuable life skills. I am passionate about working with children, and being an au pair would allow me to support their growth and development in a fun, hands-on way. Living with a ...
pour découvrir une nouvelle culture, pour aider et travailler avec les enfants, pour améliorer mon niveau de langue et vivre une expérience enrichissante
Why I Want to Become an Au Pair in London I have always loved taking care of children, which is why I have been working as a babysitter for some time. Becoming an au pair would allow me to combine this passion with my desire to discover a new culture. London has always attracted me for its energy, ...
I have always loved speaking English and traveling, but it was in May 2024, during a one-month stay in Belgium, that I truly had a revelation. This experience made me realize how much I enjoy discovering new cultures, lifestyles, and languages. Becoming an au pair would allow me to immerse myself ...
Hello ! I am a french student from Lyon and I am looking for a job in Ireland for 2025 summer and of course ideally being an « au pair ». I have a official french degree to take care of children in animations centers so I am already used to kids business. I have a special qualification for early ...
Hi ! My name is Yssalia. I am 20 years old and I will be turning 21 soon. I am currently a psychology student and I am planning to take a gap year before continuing my studies. I have always dreamed of becoming an au pair to improve my English, experience a new culture and also discover a family ...
My goal in becoming an au pair is to gain international experience in order to improve my English. I also aspire to become a teacher abroad, and this experience will help me develop my skills in this field. Being an au pair is also about helping and supporting parents with childcare. It allows me ...
Me gustaría ser au pair en España porque me apasiona la cultura hispánica y me encanta cuidar a los niños. Este programa me permitiría descubrir un nuevo país, mejorar mi nivel de español y compartir mi día a día con una familia local. Soy una persona paciente, responsable y creativa, y ...
Hi ! The idea of becoming an Au Pair has been somewhere in my mind for quite a while now. I'm very attracted to the irish culture. I've also always loved kids, I get very attached to them. The idea of staying with your family for several months and watch the kids grow fills me with joy. I'm a very ...