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I want to become a nanny because I love working with children and I find great joy in contributing to their education and growth. I have a passion for helping them discover the world around them, teaching them new skills, and taking care of them in a way that supports their physical and emotional ...
Hei! Nimeni on Loucifi Abderrahmane, ja olen innokas tulemaan au pairiksi Suomeen/Norjaan tutustuakseni uuteen kulttuuriin, luodakseni merkityksellisiä yhteyksiä ja tuodakseni positiivista energiaa perheeseen. Olen vanhin viidestä sisaruksesta, joten minulla on ensikäden kokemusta ...
Hello :) I'm Aya, I'm 20 years old and I'm an international business student. I would like to do au pair because it would allow me to improve my language skills, but also discover new cultures. I have experience with children because I have my BAFA diploma, and so I was able to do several summer ...
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