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David B.

David B.

25-35 Age group

1 child , 8 months - years old

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Start: 05 / 2014 - 11 / 2015
Available for: 12 months - 24 months
Name David B.
Nationality French
Spoken language(s) Arabic, English, French, Spanish
We live in Spain
Registered on 04/05/2014
Last login 3 months+
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this family. They may be scammers.

Personal introduction

Interacial and multicultural couple with full time jobs seeking aupair to look after our baby girl and speak to her in arabic.

The Au pair's job

Take care of our baby while we must work. Dress and feed her in the morning. Take her to nursery. Pick her up at nursery in the afternoon. Feed her and put her to sleep for nap. Take care of her and play with her until we come back from work. Will have free time while baby is at nursery and during weekends. Must be good with babies, willing to change diapers, be patient, nurturing etc.

Photo Gallery

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Prefer Au pair of gender Female
Au pair couples accepted No
The aupair will be required to drive No
Elderly care is required No
Housework required of Au pair Average


Single parent family No
Our religion Muslim
We practice our religion Yes
We have children with special needs No
We require care for children under age 2 Yes