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Sara P.

Sara P.

25-35 Age group

2 children , 1,3 - years old

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Start: 06 / 2014 - 09 / 2014
Available for: 1 month - 3 months
Name Sara P.
Nationality Spanish
Spoken language(s) Czech
We live in Spain
Registered on 07/05/2014
Last login 3 months+
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this family. They may be scammers.

Personal introduction

We are mixed nationality: Czech and Spanish. We have got two kids with 1 and 3 years old. Our house is located in El Campello, 10 minutes walk from San Juan beach and it has a garden and a swimming pool. We can send pictures if required. We are flexible for arrangments and have never received an au pair in our house, so we can arrange also according to your needs. Before you would come, we would agree on all terms. We can send pictures of our house and family and of the surroundings. We would like to have a relaxed kind of relationship with you, based on mutual trust.

The Au pair's job

The idea is to share, during two months (June and July), our house with you. There is a spacious room for guest in the basement, very pleasant for the warms days in summer. You would spend some hours per day with the family, helping with the kids and speaking in English to them. The father will not be present the majority of the time and there will be periods in which you will be totally free to do what you want.

Photo Gallery

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Prefer Au pair of gender Female
Au pair couples accepted No
The aupair will be required to drive No
Elderly care is required No
Housework required of Au pair Light


Single parent family No
Our religion No Religion
We practice our religion No
We have children with special needs No
We require care for children under age 2 Yes