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Maria M.

Maria M.

35-45 Age group

1 child , 9 - years old

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Start: 11 / 2013 - 06 / 2015
Available for: 9 months - 9 months
Name Maria M.
Nationality Spanish
Spoken language(s) Spanish
We live in Spain
Registered on 09/11/2013
Last login 3 months+
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this family. They may be scammers.

Personal introduction

I speak English and Spanish, my daughter and my partner speak German, sorry I do not. We can speak at the beginning in English but if you wish to learn Spanish no problem, I can talk to you in Spanish. From where are you exactly? When could you come here? I am to send you a letter that is self explanatory about everything and I would appreciate you can let me know asap. Three years ago we had a nice au pair from Germany which origen was Polland as well and we were really happy with her. It is probably she is visiting us now in October for a long weekend, she is called Nicole. We are a family that live in Marbella, Malaga, Spain. My name is Haydée and I have a daughter that is 9 years old that is called Alejandra, she goes to the German school. I am lawyer and have my own law firm in Marbella.

The Au pair's job

We are looking for a German au pair to stay with us till June 2014. I am to explain you our normal day. In the morning I organize Alejandra´s breakfast, I wake up about 7.30 and later Alejandra about 7.50 and she takes breakfast and we are leaving to take the school bus about 8.20 and later I go to the office. I do not need you are waking up with us, I need you are at home at 3.00 pm to pick Alejandra up from the bus stop. Alejandra is leaving the school every day about 3.00 pm, you should pick her up from the bus (5 minutes walking from home), then bring her home, she is eating something and has to make her homework. Some days she is going out for activities in the afternoon– one of them is the piano, she goes to the piano school, that is the reason I wish she is practicing every day for a while-.I am taking her to other activities so you should take her in the afternoon. I need you are playing with her, teaching her German but playing, reading books, painting, talking to her as much as possible, being creative and inventing things to do, we have a paddle area in the urbanization to play as well and a pool. Later she is having a bath and having dinner and going to bed about 9.30 pm so you are plenty of time to skipe with your family and friends. She has a good character except with the “Mathe” homework… and her qualifications at the school are good. We can speak in Spanish all the time or English at the beginning if you do not speak Spanish, no problem, but with Alejandra I need you just speak in German.


Prefer Au pair of gender Female
Au pair couples accepted No
The aupair will be required to drive Yes
Elderly care is required No
Housework required of Au pair Light


Single parent family Yes
Our religion No Religion
We practice our religion No
We have children with special needs No
We require care for children under age 2 No