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Jacinda S.

Jacinda S.

25-35 Age group

2 children , - years old

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Start: 06 / 2013 - 10 / 2014
Available for: 12 months - 24 months
Name Jacinda S.
Nationality Australian
Spoken language(s) English
We live in Australia
Registered on 29/04/2013
Last login 3 months+
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this family. They may be scammers.

Personal introduction

I am seeking a mature Au pair to assist with day to day chores, a person that can be responsible to care for our two children. I work night shifts, day shift and afternoon shift, as well as weekends. Children are of school age so you will have the days to your-self. Except in school holidays where your assistance would be appreciated. A 38 hour week is the maximum hours which you would be required. How-ever there are some weeks that you may only be required for 12 hours, my roster varies. It is important that yo speak english as assitance with home-work will be required. Drivers Licence is optional.

The Au pair's job

Payment will be $180.00 a week. paid fortnightly. The Au pair will be required to take youngest child to school, responsible enough to give guidance to the teenager, cook meals some afternoon, general house-hold tidying up, the focus will predominatly be on the children.


Prefer Au pair of gender Female
Au pair couples accepted No
The aupair will be required to drive No
Elderly care is required No
Housework required of Au pair Average


Single parent family Yes
Our religion No Religion
We practice our religion No
We have children with special needs No
We require care for children under age 2 No