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Charli P.

Charli P.

25-35 Age group

2 children , 4, 5 months - years old

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Start: 09 / 2024 - 11 / 2025
Available for: 6 months - 24 months
Name Charli P.
Nationality British
Spoken language(s) English
We live in United Kingdom
Registered on 13/07/2024
Last login 2 months ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this family. They may be scammers.

Personal introduction

We are 31 and 32 with two children looking to offer a family home to an au pair in return for some childcare help with our baby Sonny who was born in January 2024 as mum will be returning to work 4 days in January 2025. We also have a 4 year old who will be at school but we need some help with school runs and keeping him company until around 5pm. Home help would also be very welcomed! My husband (dad to both children) is a car salesman and I work in Canary Wharf, London. We are close to London and Kent, very nice area close to great transport links into London. We do have a small dog

The Au pair's job

Childcare for 1 year old, wrap around care for 4 year old. Occasional cooking dinner for us all and helping keep on top of house work.

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Prefer Au pair of gender Female
Au pair couples accepted No
The aupair will be required to drive Yes
Elderly care is required No
Housework required of Au pair Average


Single parent family No
Our religion No Religion
We practice our religion No
We have children with special needs No
We require care for children under age 2 Yes