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Lorenzo S.

Lorenzo S.

35-45 Age group

No children

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Start: 04 / 2024 - 12 / 2024
Available for: 1 month - 24 months
Name Lorenzo S.
Nationality Italian
Spoken language(s) English
We live in Netherlands
Registered on 12/04/2024
Last login 11 months ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this family. They may be scammers.

Personal introduction

A single mid-aged professional seeks help with chores in exchange for a warm welcome to a new country, culture... continent maybe? :) I realised that my job keeps me so busy that I need constant, but minor/mild work in the house. Constantly finding professional help when I need it (which is very non regular) is a mess, and I always liked to host via Couchsurfing tourists for periods in my place, so I thought to give this option a try as many friends are enthusiast with the au-pair experience. Of course I won't mind if in your free time you do hours as a nanny in a family with kids!!! I offer a private room in a prime location in the very heart of the city, with easy access to all the amenities and public transport. A bike is a must in the Netherlands, but you can learn here. The Netherlands are notoriously an open minded, welcoming country for expats... and so am I :)

The Au pair's job

Cleaning and putting things in good order in the common areas, some gardening now and then in the terrace, taking care of some shopping for food and cooking. Some weeks might be very very mild and some others more intense, however I estimate that most weeks only ~15 hrs of actual duties will be required. I will offer pocket money on top of accommodation & food if some weeks become more intense! Consider that a room in this location quotes ~ 800E/month already ;) I understand some candidates might need to show experience with children for future jobs, so of course given you will have loads of free time, I will support you if you want to also help family with kids in your free hours, as far as you stay flexible and keep helping me with the household!


Prefer Au pair of gender Female
Au pair couples accepted No
The aupair will be required to drive No
Elderly care is required Yes
Housework required of Au pair


Single parent family No
Our religion Non-denominational
We practice our religion No
We have children with special needs No
We require care for children under age 2 No