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Yurika S.

Yurika S.

20 age, Female

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Starting: 04 / 2025 - 05 / 2025
Available for: 12 months - 24 months
Name Yurika S.
Nationality Nepalese
Spoken language(s) English
Now living in Nepal
Wants to be an au pair in Germany , Italy , EU nationals
Registered on 02/12/2024
Last login 3 months ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this aupair. They may be scammers.

Personal introduction

Why I Want to Become an Au Pair I love spending time with children. Playing with them and helping them grow brings me a lot of joy. At the same time, I want to step out of my comfort zone, live abroad, and experience a new culture. Becoming an au pair allows me to learn new skills, become more independent, and build meaningful connections. I’m excited to have a unique experience and grow personally while supporting a family. Perché voglio diventare un au pair Amo passare il tempo con i bambini. Giocare con loro e aiutarli a crescere mi dà molta gioia. Allo stesso tempo, voglio uscire dalla mia zona di comfort, vivere all’estero, e scoprire una nuova cultura. Diventare au pair mi permette di imparare nuove competenze, migliorare la mia indipendenza e creare connessioni significative. Sono curiosa di vivere un’esperienza unica e crescere personalmente mentre aiuto una famiglia. Warum ich Au Pair werden möchte Ich verbringe gerne Zeit mit Kindern. Mit ihnen zu spielen und sie in ihrer Entwicklung zu unterstützen, bereitet mir viel Freude. Gleichzeitig möchte ich aus meiner Komfortzone herauskommen, im Ausland leben und eine neue Kultur kennenlernen. Als Au Pair kann ich neue Fähigkeiten lernen, unabhängiger werden und wertvolle Verbindungen aufbauen. Ich freue mich darauf, eine einzigartige Erfahrung zu machen und persönlich zu wachsen, während ich einer Familie helfe.


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Worked before in your selected country? No
Preferred location A City
Will you do housework? Yes
Will you care for children under age 2? No
Preferred ages of children
Will you accept a single parent family? Yes
Will you care for special needs children? Yes
Will you care for pets? Yes
Will you care for elderly people? No


Marital status Single
Are you part of an au pair couple? No
Do you have a driving licence? No
How long have you had a driving licence? Under 1 Year
Are you willing to drive? No
Dietary considerations None
Religion Hinduism
Do you practice your religion? No
Have you ever worked as an Au pair? No