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Langazelwe N.

Langazelwe N.

18 age, Female

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Starting: 02 / 2025 - 03 / 2025
Available for: 12 months - 24 months
Name Langazelwe N.
Nationality Swazi
Spoken language(s) English
Now living in South Africa
Wants to be an au pair in Belgium , Netherlands , Germany
Registered on 03/11/2024
Last login 3 months ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this aupair. They may be scammers.

Personal introduction

My name is Langa and I am so eager to become an aupair! I would love to learn alot from this experience of taking care of people as I would love to go in to nursing as a career path! I am willing to work extra hard work extra hours! I have experience with 4/5, 7/8 and 13 year olds. I have done alot of babysitting for about 3 years so I have alot of experience. Moreover, Growing up in a big African family,I've always had baby cousins and everytime i would be surrounded by my family, the first thing I do is take my cousins and play with them. Nowadays they grab your phones and want to play games on your phones so I would allow it and teach them how to play Candy Crush. Most of the time they would get bored so they would run around and I had the energy to chase after them. I love taking care of children. My hope is that I am able to express this love and care in to my host family and hopefully learn alot from this cultural exchange experience! I love cooking, for my family trying out new recipes and fun fact : Taco Tuesdays is a big thing at my house-love everything about it! I enjoy swimming and would love to entertain children with swimming. It's one of the sports I fell in love with since I was 8 years old. Peer/subject tutoring is something I've done ever since I was in high school and I believe those skills will enable me to help children with homework and any subjects, English,French,Maths,Biology.

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Worked before in your selected country? No
Preferred location Any
Will you do housework? Yes
Will you care for children under age 2? Yes
Preferred ages of children 0 to 18
Will you accept a single parent family? Yes
Will you care for special needs children? Yes
Will you care for pets? Yes
Will you care for elderly people? Yes


Marital status Boyfriend/Girlfriend
Are you part of an au pair couple? No
Do you have a driving licence? Yes
How long have you had a driving licence? Under 1 Year
Are you willing to drive? Yes
Dietary considerations None
Religion Church of Christ
Do you practice your religion? No
Have you ever worked as an Au pair? No