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Thesalonica C.

Thesalonica C.

24 age, Female

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Starting: 07 / 2024 - 10 / 2024
Available for: 12 months - 24 months
Name Thesalonica C.
Nationality Filipino
Spoken language(s) English
Now living in Philippines
Wants to be an au pair in Denmark , Netherlands , Belgium
Registered on 10/05/2024
Last login a month ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this aupair. They may be scammers.

Personal introduction

Dear Host Families, My name is Thesalonica. 24 years old. I'm from the Philippines. I am presently working as a domestic worker, and I am in charge at the house from Monday to Saturday. I prepare kids before they leave for school. Washing, ironing, and mending clothes, house cleaning, keeping things in place, preparing and serving meals to the family, and cleaning the dining area after eating and grocery shopping. Taking care of kids when they come home, helping them with their school homework, teaching them how to read English, putting them to bed, and babysitting them when the parents are both not in the house in some evening. I am also in charge of entertaining the kids, and we had lots of fun playing hide and seek, coloring, and many more games. Taking care of pets, including preparing food for them. I am taking care of 4 children. 10, 9, 8, and 4 years old. I would like to become an Au pair in Europe because I love being around children and helping the family. I am up for an adventure and a once in a lifetime experience of living in another country for a while. I am more than willing to learn a new language and broaden my knowledge, explore more places during time off, and meeting new sets of friends. I am a mature, hardworking, energetic, and trustworthy individual. I am vaccinated with Sinovac. I can speak and write fluent English. I can cook some Philippine dishes such as pinakbet (is a medley of vegetables, pork, and shrimp paste), chicken tinola, pork/shrimp sinigang, pork adobo, fried rice, oatmeal, cereals, spaghetti, palabok, carbonara, and desserts like turon, lumpia, sweetened banana, pancake, and maja blanca. I hope to hear from you and would love to tell you more about myself and learn about your family. I am full of surprises of the good kind, and you will not regret it if I am invited to be part of your family. I would appreciate a video call meeting if you are interested. Thank you for your time. Kind regards, Thesalonica

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Worked before in your selected country? No
Preferred location Any
Will you do housework? Yes
Will you care for children under age 2? Yes
Preferred ages of children
Will you accept a single parent family? Yes
Will you care for special needs children? Yes
Will you care for pets? Yes
Will you care for elderly people? No


Marital status Single
Are you part of an au pair couple? No
Do you have a driving licence? No
How long have you had a driving licence? Under 1 Year
Are you willing to drive? No
Dietary considerations None
Religion No Religion
Do you practice your religion? No
Have you ever worked as an Au pair? No