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Silvia V.

Silvia V.

20 age, Female

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Starting: 06 / 2024 - 06 / 2024
Available for: 1 month - 1 month
Name Silvia V.
Nationality Spanish
Spoken language(s) English
Now living in France
Wants to be an au pair in United Kingdom , Greece , South Africa
Registered on 17/11/2023
Last login 6 months ago
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Personal introduction

Good morning! My name is SILVIA, and I am a Spanish student in my second year at Paul Valery University in France. I am studying Applied Foreign Languages (Arabic-Spanish), so it's clear that I have a passion for languages. I can speak Spanish (which is my native language), French, English, and some Chinese, Italian, and Arabic. I'm a cheerful, responsible, and creative person. I enjoy reading and writing, both classic and contemporary literature. I love children and teaching, which is why I plan to pursue a master's degree in education in the future to become a teacher. I have been caring for children for two years, and I have always had positive experiences. I get along well with children and, being very creative, I often invent games to promote learning and imagination. I have no problem speaking to children in a specific language if required, or even introducing them to a new language through games and simple activities. I am very dynamic and quickly adapt to the routines of new families. Furthermore, I love to travel and explore the world and its various cultures, so I'm always interested in the traditions of the families I work with. I am very responsible, having lived on my own for two years, and I can handle household cleaning and cooking. In fact, I enjoy cooking new recipes and experimenting. I would like to work as an Au Pair during the summer, as I did last year, and it was a fantastic experience that I would love to repeat. It's the perfect opportunity to travel without additional costs, earn some money, and immerse myself in new cultures to enrich my experiences. I already have experience in childcare. I have been a babysitter on numerous occasions, with children aged 2 to 10. Since I was young, I have always taken care of my younger brother and my little cousins. As an adult, I worked in Spain, teaching French to 12-year-old children. In France, I looked after several families, providing snacks to the children, playing with them, and supervising them at night. Additionally, last year I was an Au Pair in Italy for a month, taking care of two children aged 4 and 6. During that month, I was responsible for waking them up, making them breakfast, picking them up from school, playing with them, giving them baths, preparing dinner, and putting them to bed. At times, I helped with household chores or grocery shopping, and so on. It was a wonderful experience; the family and I got along perfectly, and I still stay in touch with them. During my stay, I spoke to the children in Spanish to gradually introduce them to this language. I am a cheerful, charismatic, fun, creative, and responsible person. I love to read and write, create stories and new games, and organize scavenger hunts for children. Another one of my great hobbies is traveling. Whenever I can, I try to travel and discover new cultures and traditions. This way, I have been to countries like Morocco, Albania, Great Britain, Croatia with my family, and alone to others like France, Portugal, Italy. As for sports, I love horseback riding. I rode horses for 6 years, but I eventually had to prioritize my studies and stopped. On the other hand, I enjoy cooking, inventing new recipes, and trying new dishes wherever I go. Additionally, I have a strong interest in learning new languages and understanding how a language is formed, exploring all the secrets hidden behind it. This has led me to learn Spanish, French, English, Chinese, Arabic, and Italian. In the future, I would like to become a primary school teacher, either teaching languages or general subjects. I enjoy being around children and conveying my teachings to others.

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Worked before in your selected country? No
Preferred location A Capital City
Will you do housework? Yes
Will you care for children under age 2? Yes
Preferred ages of children
Will you accept a single parent family? Yes
Will you care for special needs children? Yes
Will you care for pets? Yes
Will you care for elderly people? Yes


Marital status Single
Are you part of an au pair couple? No
Do you have a driving licence? No
How long have you had a driving licence? Under 1 Year
Are you willing to drive? No
Dietary considerations None
Religion Church of Christ
Do you practice your religion? No
Have you ever worked as an Au pair? Yes