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Diana S.

Diana S.

24 age, Female

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Starting: 09 / 2023 - 01 / 2024
Available for: 12 months - 24 months
Name Diana S.
Nationality Indonesian
Spoken language(s) Bahasa Malaysia (Malay)
Now living in Indonesia
Wants to be an au pair in Netherlands , United States of America , Norway
Registered on 16/07/2023
Last login 3 months+
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this aupair. They may be scammers.

Personal introduction

Hi, Host Family! My name is Diana from Medan, Indonesia. I am a recent graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Agribusiness. I am very interested in being an Au Pair because I want to learn how to take care of children in a different culture cause I love kids! I live with my nieces since they were born until now, so I'm familiar with children and I love them. I used to accompany them to sleep or bath them. I know how to cheer them up when they get bored and sad. We enjoy playing something that can distract them from boredom such as painting, drawing, or badminton. We can play whatever they want, I'll go with that. I also like to teach them about anything in an entertaining method. My nieces always ask my opinion about everything cause we're very close, they told me about their friends or what happened at school. They often ask me to accompany them to get ice cream, so I drive them. I spend a lot of time at my house, In the morning I always sweep, mop, wash dishes, and clothes every day, so I have no problem with doing it in your house too. And also I love grocery shopping! I don’t know why, but grocery shopping is my favorite thing to do. My motivation to do the Au Pair program is I want to learn how to take care of children in a different culture, I wanna bring a good and joyful impact to my host family. I think this will be the most memorable and valuable experience in my life because I will be living with children and families of different cultures. I want to show other people the cultures in Indonesia too. I believe that the Au Pair will give me a lot of opportunities to learn valuable life experiences and new languages.

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Worked before in your selected country? No
Preferred location Any
Will you do housework? Yes
Will you care for children under age 2? Yes
Preferred ages of children 1-18
Will you accept a single parent family? Yes
Will you care for special needs children? No
Will you care for pets? Yes
Will you care for elderly people? No


Marital status Single
Are you part of an au pair couple? No
Do you have a driving licence? Yes
How long have you had a driving licence? 3 to 4 Years
Are you willing to drive? Yes
Dietary considerations None
Religion Muslim
Do you practice your religion? Yes
Have you ever worked as an Au pair? No