Ich möchte Aupair in Deutschland werden.Ich habe Erfahrung mit Kindern, da ich mich oft um meine jüngeren Geschwister und Verwandten gekümmert habe. Ich liebe es, Zeit mit Kindern zu verbringen, mit ihnen zu spielen und ihnen Neues beizubringen. Zudem habe ich Erfahrung in Erster Hilfe, was mir ...
I want to be an au pair because I see it as a wonderful opportunity for personal and professional growth. I love working with children, and being part of their daily lives while supporting their development is something that truly fulfills me. Additionally, I am eager to experience a new culture ...
Jag skulle vilja vara au pair eftersom jag tror att det är ett utmärkt sätt att lära sig det andra inhemska språket flytande. Dessutom kan man genom au pair-erfarenheten lära sig nya saker om en främmande kultur.
Cara famiglia ospitante, Mi chiamo Mara, ho 19 anni e sono italiana, vivo in un paese molto tranquillo circondato dal verde e vicino al centro che si trova a un’ora e mezza circa da Milano. Mi sono diplomata a giugno e sono ancora indecisa su cosa studiare all'università quindi nel ...
Ich möchte als Au-Pair arbeiten, um eine neue Kultur kennenzulernen , mein Deutsch zu verbessern und schöne Momente mit Ihrer Familie zu teilen.
My passion for working with children has been a big part of my life since I was 15 years old, and over the years, I have gained extensive experience in working with kids. I have worked as a babysitter, gym teacher, camp leader and, more recently, as the responsible person in a children's club in an ...
I 0 Bridget - 346291 Hello,my name is Bridget from Nigeria, and I am pleased to introduce myself to you I am a responsible , hardworking and compassionate person interested in becoming not just your au pair but a member of the family,I have experience in taking care of children from 0-14 years ...
Hello, My name is Rita. I have a deep love for children and have spent a significant amount of time volunteering with them. Recently, I volunteered at an orphanage, and this past summer, I dedicated my time caring for children while their parents were at work. These experiences have shown me how ...