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Kyle B.

Kyle B.

35-45 Fascia di età

2 bambini , - anni

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Se scegli Findaupair puoi
Inizia: 01 / 2024 - 02 / 2024
Disponibile per: 6 months - 12 months
Nome Kyle B.
Nazionalità Australian
Lingua(e) parlata(e) English
Viviamo in Australia
Registrato il 28/01/2024
L’ultimo accesso 12 months ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this family. They may be scammers.

Introduzione personale

I am looking for an AuPair for 6-12 months to join our family in Karratha, Western Australia. You will be required to look after my 2 boys aged 10 & 12 before and after school. I am a single man with a busy job and very active in my boys sports groups. I live in Karratha which is approximately 15 hrs from Perth, 9 hours from Broome and 4 hours from Coral Bay.

Il lavoro dell’Au pair

There may be periods where I am away for work and require you to have full care of the boys. Also housework and cooking required. Be able to assist with getting the boys into a routine and can be firm when required. The person I am looking for must responsible, mature and has experience in working with children, creche or school. Can provide references; has a licence; is ok with a dog. What I will provide is - your own airconditioned roombe able to assist with getting the boys into a routine and can be firm when required. - an automatic car for you to drive the kids to school and around town when required - Wifi, Netflix, Shared bathroom with children - weekly pocket money - opportunity to find a second job if needed to extend your visa. You will be treated like you are part of the family and respected by myself and my sons.


Preferisco Au pair di sesso Femminile
Accettate le coppie alla pari No
L’Aupair dovrà guidare Si
È richiesta l'assistenza agli anziani No
Lavori domestici richiesti all'Au pair Medio


Famiglia monoparentale Si
La nostra religione No Religion
Pratichiamo la nostra religione No
Abbiamo bambini con bisogni speciali No
Abbiamo bisogno di assistenza per i bambini di età inferiore a 2 anni No