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Yumi S.

Yumi S.

35-45 Fascia di età

3 bambini , 10, 8, 6 - anni

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Inizia: 05 / 2019 - 08 / 2020
Disponibile per: 12 months - 24 months
Nome Yumi S.
Nazionalità Japanese
Lingua(e) parlata(e) Japanese
Viviamo in Japan
Registrato il 26/02/2019
L’ultimo accesso 11 months ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this family. They may be scammers.

Introduzione personale

We are very friendly family. We have some experiences having some students from overseas before. Kids loved it. They maybe a bit shy at first but they will get used to being around you. We are looking for a student who is mature and wants to study language and culture. English as the first language is preferred but not necessarily.

Il lavoro dell’Au pair

My husband is a IT consultant. I will start working as a full time soon. so we are looking for someone who can give a good care of our kids while we are gone. In the morning, kids usually wake up by themselves and finish eating around 8am. They leave for school and will be home around 2pm. We really want someone to welcome them home since I was a housewife ever since they were born. They practice Piano, Kumon(extra study class) and Soccer during the weekday. We would like our future-aupair to walk them to lessons but mostly they go on their own. Either of us (mostly we both ) should be home around 6:30pm for dinner. I really enjoy cooking so I would like a help such as washing dishes after breakfast and so I can start preparing dinner right away. I like to invite people over meals and many of them enjoy my dishes, traditional Japanese, Western, Asian and etc. Regarding the room, you will have a own private room.


Preferisco Au pair di sesso Femminile
Accettate le coppie alla pari No
L’Aupair dovrà guidare No
È richiesta l'assistenza agli anziani No
Lavori domestici richiesti all'Au pair Medio


Famiglia monoparentale No
La nostra religione No Religion
Pratichiamo la nostra religione No
Abbiamo bambini con bisogni speciali No
Abbiamo bisogno di assistenza per i bambini di età inferiore a 2 anni No