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Stevie L.

Stevie L.

22 età, Femminile

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Inizia: 06 / 2024 - 09 / 2024
Disponibile per: 1 month - 3 months
Nome Stevie L.
Nazionalità Canadian
Lingua(e) parlata(e) English
Ora vive in Canada
Vuole diventare au pair in Netherlands , Germany
Registrato il 25/11/2023
L’ultimo accesso 3 months+
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this aupair. They may be scammers.

Introduzione personale

Becoming an au pair aligns perfectly with my passion for working with children and my long-term goal of becoming a child therapist. Growing up with siblings has instilled in me a natural understanding of the dynamics of childhood, and my two summers working at an overnight summer camp have solidified my love for the unique experience of working and living with children full time. My commitment to this path is evident in my academic pursuits, as I am currently minoring in child development at university. This academic background provides me with a solid foundation for understanding the psychological and emotional needs of children, which I believe will be invaluable in my role as an au pair. My experiences at the summer camp have not only strengthened my interpersonal and caregiving skills but have also highlighted my outgoing and caring nature. I am genuinely invested in creating a positive and nurturing environment for children to thrive in. Additionally, my organizational skills ensure that I can handle the responsibilities that come with caring for children while maintaining a structured and efficient routine. Beyond my love for working with children, I am eager to explore new cultures and languages. Being an au pair offers a unique opportunity to immerse myself in a different cultural context, enhancing my adaptability and broadening my perspective. This cultural exchange will not only benefit me personally but will also contribute to my professional development, as exposure to diverse backgrounds will undoubtedly enrich my future work as a child therapist. In summary, my desire to become an au pair is rooted in a genuine passion for working with children, a solid academic foundation in child development, hands-on experience at a summer camp, and a strong commitment to personal and professional growth through cultural exploration. I am confident that being an au pair will not only be a fulfilling experience for me but will also contribute positively to the lives of the children I care for.

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Hai lavorato prima nel paese selezionato? No
Località preferita A Capital City
Farai i lavori domestici? Si
Ti prenderai cura dei bambini di età inferiore ai 2 anni? Si
Età preferita dei bambini
Accetterai una famiglia monoparentale? Si
Ti prenderai cura di bambini con bisogni speciali? Si
Ti prenderai cura degli animali domestici? Si
Ti prenderai cura degli anziani? Si


Stato civile Single
Fai parte di una coppia alla pari? No
Hai la patente di guida? Si
Da quanto tempo hai la patente di guida? Meno di 1 anno
Sei disposto(a) a guidare? Si
Considerazioni dietetiche None
Religione Non-denominational
Pratichi la tua religione? No
Hai mai lavorato come Au pair? No