We are a small family, mum, dad and baby. We are Online Marketing Teachers and we work from our place. Once a week we travel to other cities such as Madrid, Barcelona or Valencia and every two months we travel to other countries teaching
We are a young Catholic family with a biologic son (7) and with an adopted Vietnamit daugther (3). we are looking for a english speaker student to stay during June and July, to play and to stay with our childrens to improve their english level. we live in Madrid center.
Somos una familia de cinco personas, padres y 3 hijos. Ambos padres trabajamos y los ni�os acuden al colegio, todos en el mismo centro. Disfrutamos viajando, recibiendo amigos en casa, haciendo deporte y tambi�n disfrutamos mucho de nuestra casa. vivimos en una peque�a ...
We spend july in the countryside very next to Madrid and also we go to the beach several days (about 15). we would like somebody who like to do things with children, play, paint, etc.
Somos una familia de 4 miembros. Juan carlos de 39 años; Natalia de 38 y los peques Ãngel y Jimena de 5 y casi 3 respectivamente. Entendemos q el tener una aupair es una experiencia d aprendizaje para todos.
Soy una diversión, saliente, mujer inteligente, de mente abierta que le gusta bailar y pasar un buen rato y quieren y Au pair para cuidar a mi hijo
We are a very affectionate family. My major son is a very calm child that he is charmed with counting histories, has a marvellous character. My small son is a bit more rebellious, but also it is the age. We live to the suburbs of Madrid, in that there is very good communication of train and bus. We ...
Dear Au Pair, we are a French-Spanish couple with two lovely daughters aged 4 and 2. We both work and have had experience in working and studying abroad. Our daughters go to the French school and we would like them to get exposed to other cultures and to start learning English. We live in a ...