Hola!somos una familia formada por mi,de 32años,mi marido de 39 y dos mellizos que cumplirán un año en octubre.tenemos una perra de la raza bóxer.ambos trabajamos devlunes a viernes por la mañana y llegamos a casa sobre las cuatro. El aupair que quiera compartir con nosotros esta ...
Dear au pair, we are looking for a hard working, gentle but fun loving person who would like to help our family be more cohesive. We have 3 wonderful and lively children, aged from 3 years to 9 years. 1 boy, and 2 girls. We would love someone who speaks Spanish fluently, and preferably a little bit ...
We are a relaxed family, and live in a quiet town. We'll spend the summer at home (we have a swimming pool) and in a piece of land in the country side.
we are a family of 30 something with a 3 year old daughter. we are looking for a young girl for sharing our lives some time .we live in madrid city in a very nice area nearby all kinds of entertainment.
Hola, somos una familia muy musical. Tenemos una escuela de música. Hemos tenido varias aur pairs y siempre nos ha ido muy bien. La última pasó con nosotros más de 1 año. Mis hijos, Manel y Norat. A Manel, le encanta el tenis, lo practica casi a diario e incluso compite. También ...
We are a family of four (2 children, ages 3). We live in a challet, with a big terrace. We are looking for a person to join our family to fully integrate as a family member.
We are a couple with a little girl who is three years old. I work in education and my polish wife works for a hotel chain. We like playing a quite natural life as we don't drink, smoke whatsoever but like sports and enjoying the nature. We live in a rural area that is not far from a small village ...
My husband and me are working in summer. I,m teacher and i work in school. My husband is working in a big shopping. Corte ingles. We need an aupair for summer. July and augost.
We live in Irun, a small city that is close to San Sebastian, a very beatiful city. A 10 minutes from the beach. The 3 kids loves dance, ridde bike and the boy loves plays football.
We are an Italian/Spanish family passing the summer in a excellent Little island in the middle of the Mediterranean sea. We have 3 kids, 7,6 and 3 years old. WE are a Young familly which like to have fun with Friends, with family. We love sailing. We have had already au pairs for 5 years. We are ...
I am bilingual and my daughter Sofia was born in Warwick. Her daddy is from the UK but lives in Marbella. She also goes to a bilingual school so her English is not so bad but she gets lacy to speak in english with me. I am lawyer and i have my own law firm. We live in a pen house within a complex ...
We are a french-spanish family, with two children searching for a nice french speaking girl who has driving licence, and patient. We have tried au pair experience before and we were lucky! we understand an au pair is a girl that has to live experiences and our children can learn valúes and ...