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Familien, die in leben
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Maximale Anzahl von Kindern
Hausarbeit erforderlich
Single Family

Juan V.

35-45 Altersgruppe

1 Kind , - Jahre alt

Start: 03 / 2013 - 10 / 2014
Verfügbar für: 1 month - 9 months


Hallo wir sind eine mallorquinische familie, und suchen eine aupair fur unsere tochter sechs und halb jahre. wir wohnen in can pastilla - palma de mallorca. März bis Oktober 2013. Sie wohnen allein, in aine studio 40m2, 30 meter aus meer. Wen interessieren rufen sie uns oder ...

Mercedes P.

15-25 Altersgruppe

2 Kinder , 6,4 - Jahre alt

Start: 07 / 2014 - 09 / 2014
Verfügbar für: 6 months - 24 months


We are a normal and warm family. We live in a nice house with a garden in a small village near to Barcelona, 40 min. by train. In summer we will go to Costa Brava in Calella de Palafrugell. Our village you can learn catalan or Spanish and there is a important center of Sculptures and Crafts if you ...

Ana F.

25-35 Altersgruppe

2 Kinder , 2,5 - Jahre alt

Start: 02 / 2015 - 03 / 2015
Verfügbar für: 3 months - 6 months


we are looking a aupair toe stay only some hoursin the evening with the childrens an told their in mandarin lenguage

Margarita O.

25-35 Altersgruppe

3 Kinder , 2,5,7 - Jahre alt

Start: 06 / 2011 - 12 / 2015
Verfügbar für: 1 month - 12 months


soy una persona amable i simpatica mis hijos tambien. me gusta pintar i hacer picninc en el campo, fuy modelo hasta los 35. haora me dedico a la costura i a cuidar animales. me gustaria tener a una persona amable i simpatica como yo, que le gusten los niños y que comparta las mismas aficiones ...

Anna L.

25-35 Altersgruppe

2 Kinder , 1,5 and 5 - Jahre alt

Start: 01 / 2015 - 07 / 2015
Verfügbar für: 6 months - 12 months


Hola. Entiende el castellano?

Eva maria T.

35-45 Altersgruppe

2 Kinder , 4,5 - Jahre alt

Start: 06 / 2013 - 09 / 2014
Verfügbar für: 3 months - 3 months


Hi, my husband´s name is Alex and mine is Eva. We live in a town 22km far from Madrid (bus stop in front).Our kids are 4(boy) and almost 6(girl) years old.We are looking for a German au-pair as my husband is half german and he speaks with our children in that language. We need someone from ...

Silvia M.

35-45 Altersgruppe

2 Kinder , 4,4 - Jahre alt

Start: 10 / 2014 - 01 / 2015
Verfügbar für: 6 months - 24 months


We seek an au pair for our children to learn about other cultures and practice her English with them. She must be educated, responsible and very tidy. She'll care for children if we are not at home, go to the park with them, play and be like a big sister for them. She will receive a warm welcome ...

Maite F.

25-35 Altersgruppe

2 Kinder , 9 months, 11 yrs - Jahre alt

Start: 05 / 2013 - 11 / 2014
Verfügbar für: 6 months - 24 months


I'm a young mum and looking for an au pair who takes care of the baby. I'm air hostess. We have a little doggie as well

Loli G.

35-45 Altersgruppe

1 Kind , 4 - Jahre alt

Start: 07 / 2013 - 09 / 2014
Verfügbar für: 2 months - 3 months


We are 3 people in the family, my husband 43 years old, my son 4 year old and I 41. My husband and I work in a computer company. We live in a small town, in a country house. My son goes to school in the next village and summer going to school activities. I have a special interest in my child to be ...

Natalia E.

35-45 Altersgruppe

2 Kinder , 5-5 - Jahre alt

Start: 09 / 2014 - 01 / 2016
Verfügbar für: 9 months - 12 months


We need to find au pair for take care children in spain, in Valencia city.we are a simple familia with two children. Twins. Im journalist,and my husband he going work to Qatar next month.and then i need help. It's necessary talk a few Spanish they don't Know speak English.only a basic Spanish

Laura M.

25-35 Altersgruppe

2 Kinder , 1,5 - Jahre alt

Start: 09 / 2014 - 03 / 2016
Verfügbar für: 4 months - 5 months


Hallo Leute, Ich befinde mich momentan in Spanien als Aupair und suche einen Ersatz für mich, der die kleine Carmen (5) weiterhin in der deutschen Sprache unterstützt. Gesucht wird jemand ab 21, welche offen für Neues ist und für 4 Monate (1.11.2014 -1.3.2015) im Süden Spaniens ...

Marc P.

25-35 Altersgruppe

3 Kinder , 1,5,8 - Jahre alt

Start: 10 / 2014 - 06 / 2015
Verfügbar für: 6 months - 24 months


Parents are 38 & 37 years old that want to educate the kids with strong values. We have 3 kids. Ian 7 yrs old, Luca 5 yrs old and Teo 1 yr old. The elder ones are autonomous doing their personal jobs. They have lots of energy and need to burn it daily. They love football and swiming in the ...