We are a couple with 3 kids and my grandmother , we live in a house in a town 60 kms from Barcelona. I work in my own travel agency and my wife is teacher
Our family is made of a 15-year-old boy and a 2 year-old girl. My wife Aina is a an Arts Teacher at high school and I teach English at high school too. We live in Town calle,d Pollensa in Majorca, which is a very well-known destinations by british tourists. We enjoy family life, sailing and ...
Hi au pair, I am looking for someone to looks after my two little girls during the summer while I go to work. They speak three languages and they are used to having an au pair so I am sure you will find them easy to deal with. We live on the coast in Spain but I am English, so I think our house ...
Interacial and multicultural couple with full time jobs seeking aupair to look after our baby girl and speak to her in arabic.
Somos una familia de tres miembros, la madre, el padre y un niño de 10 años. Vivimos en una casa a las afueras de Madrid en Navalcarnero. Es una zona muy tranquila, residencial. Tenemos un perro que se llama Rita y es un pastor alemán que duerme fuera de casa y nunca entra ...
Una persona cariñosa q sepa enseñarle a mis hijos su cultura y q tenga ilusión por aprender la nuestra.
We are a young couple, with two children, twins, boy and girl. They are five years and a half. I am a youth worker in a town council youth center where I work with european volunteers in the EVS program. My husband is a helicopter pilot. We live in a semi detached house in a new residential ...
buscamos una aupair de habla inglesa, nativa. que sea cariñosa, educada, ordenada y limpia y que hable perfecto inglés.
Somos una familia muy divertida, deportista y sana, queremos mejorar nuestro ingles. Soy veterinaria y por supuesto nuestra casa se comparte con tres perros y un gato, por lo que es muy importante que te gusten los animales.