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Familien, die in leben
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Maximale Anzahl von Kindern
Hausarbeit erforderlich
Single Family

Compagnucci A.

25-35 Altersgruppe

3 Kinder , 5, 3, 1 - Jahre alt

Start: 12 / 2014 - 12 / 2015
Verfügbar für: 9 months - 12 months


We are a five members family: Tatiana & Marco, we are the parents. Our children are Mauro(5), Manuel (3) and Mencía (1). We live in front of the sea and we like spend days at the beach, we like bickes and the animals. We are looking for a person who really likes children and is willing to spend ...

Patricia P.

25-35 Altersgruppe

2 Kinder , 4,8 - Jahre alt

Start: 07 / 2014 - 09 / 2015
Verfügbar für: 2 months - 3 months


Somos una familia muy unida y nos gusta mucho salir juntos al campo con otras familias con niños. Somos muy aficionados al baloncesto y practicamos bastante este deporte.

Judith T.

25-35 Altersgruppe

2 Kinder , 5 - Jahre alt

Start: 07 / 2014 - 08 / 2015
Verfügbar für: 3 months - 5 months


we are a dynamic happy family of four. Me, Judith, my husband Angelo and our 5 year old twins Sara and Samuel. We live in a big flat in a beautiful residential area with pool and playground and lots of other kids. We have had Au Pairs since the kids were 5 months old, so they always had a

M luisa M.

25-35 Altersgruppe

2 Kinder , 20 months, 4 years - Jahre alt

Start: 10 / 2013 - 04 / 2015
Verfügbar für: 6 months - 9 months


Querido au pair Dear au-pair, it is the first time we have an au-pair and we are very really about it. We love the English language and learning about other countries, cultures and traditions. We want our two little daughters to meet people from other countries because you always learn from ...

Isabel G.

35-45 Altersgruppe

3 Kinder , 20,17,8 - Jahre alt

Start: 07 / 2014 - 08 / 2015
Verfügbar für: 1 month - 1 month


I,m looking a lady to play with my son,8 years old,and sit down with him every day to teach English 1 hour.and the rest of the day talk English with everyone in the family.we live in madrid but I need the girl for August and we,ll travel to the north coast of Spain,to spend the summertime.

Catalina A.

25-35 Altersgruppe

1 Kind , 1 - Jahre alt

Start: 01 / 2014 - 01 / 2015
Verfügbar für: 9 months - 24 months


au pair for Palma de Mallorca, we have on 1 girl

Olivier A.

35-45 Altersgruppe

2 Kinder , 9,15 - Jahre alt

Start: 04 / 2014 - 07 / 2015
Verfügbar für: 3 months - 6 months


We are a couple with 1 boy (15) and 1 girl (9). We are looking for a native english speaker au pair to teach our children. We live in a large house in Madrid Center. We offer the au-pair independent room & bathroom.

Montserrat A.

35-45 Altersgruppe

2 Kinder , 2 - Jahre alt

Start: 07 / 2014 - 07 / 2015
Verfügbar für: 1 month - 2 months


we are a funny family.

Jose luis M.

35-45 Altersgruppe

1 Kind , 13 - Jahre alt

Start: 12 / 2013 - 06 / 2015
Verfügbar für: 3 months - 12 months


familia honesta ytrabajadora buscando chica seria con ganas de aprender nuestro yidioma y ganas de enseñar a nuestro niño

Elena S.

25-35 Altersgruppe

2 Kinder , 8 months, 5 years now - Jahre alt

Start: 02 / 2014 - 02 / 2015
Verfügbar für: 6 months - 9 months


Vi är en svensk-spansk familje, Hasse svensk och jag spansk. Hemma pratar vi bara svenska med barnen, Ines som kan det utan problema och Eric, 8 månader nu som håller på att lära sig. Vi Äar en glad familje som försöker sin bästa för att underlätta jobbet. Vad ...

Belén M.

35-45 Altersgruppe

2 Kinder , 3, 6 - Jahre alt

Start: 07 / 2014 - 08 / 2015
Verfügbar für: 2 months - 2 months


Somos un matrimonio con dos hijas pequeñas y este verano necesitamos ayuda en el cuidado de las pequeñas porque el padre tiene que estudiar. Necesitamos a alguien que nos acompañe en nuestras vacaciones al pirineo durante tres semanas y otras tres semanas en nuestra vida habitual en ...

Javier C.

15-25 Altersgruppe

2 Kinder , 6 y 4 - Jahre alt

Start: 02 / 2014 - 07 / 2015
Verfügbar für: 6 months - 12 months


We are a friendly family with one son and one daugther. We are very interested in they learn english very well and by it we are an aupair who speak in english with them all the time. We live in Getafe near Madrid (12 km from distance). we live in a house and we are four of us.