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35-45 Altersgruppe
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25-35 Altersgruppe
3 Kinder , 8,5,3 - Jahre alt
I need a job i USA for ny children's future .
15-25 Altersgruppe
i am a student in Pakistan and doing a Master here and i want to come in USA and get a permanent resident.
1 Kind , 2 - Jahre alt
I am Asif abbas multiple worker about any position
am muhammad hussain from pakistan .am youg boy am need a job .i have 6 month tring for securty card.
3 Kinder , my age 35 years - Jahre alt
i have in us embssy kabul afghanistan my work cook 4 hears in afghnistan amrican gays and i needed jobs .in pakistan full time. thank you.
house 62 street 13, police colony koral
2 Kinder , 13 yrs boy, 8 yrs girl - Jahre alt
Committed devoted responsible punctual compassionate
I'm hard work boy loves to work and need a job
i have a social worker experimce