Ich möchte Erzieher werden, weil ich eine Leidenschaft für die Arbeit mit Kindern habe und glaube, dass die Kindheit die Grundlage für die Entwicklung der Persönlichkeit und den Einfluss auf die Zukunft ist. Ich liebe es, Kinder beim Wachsen und Entwickeln zu sehen und finde große Freude ...
I want to learn Deutsch and gain more experiences abroad, becoming an Au pair is a great opportunity to start my journey! I do believe i could pursue my career and meet amazing people in this way.
I want to be an au pair because I love working with children and supporting their growth in a safe and nurturing environment. This experience also allows me to immerse myself in a new culture, improve my language skills, and develop independence and adaptability. Living with a host family gives me ...
Dear Host Family, My name is Lili, and I am very excited about the opportunity to become your au pair! I come from Slovenia and am currently finishing my final years at Gimnazija Ledina, a high school in Ljubljana. I am a very active and open person. I love filling my day with different ...
I want to be an Au Pair because I am passionate about cultural exchange and languages. I would like to live an immersive experience in another country, get to know new customs and improve my language skills while sharing my culture and language with the host family. In addition, I enjoy ...
Dear family, my name is Mery, i'm 20 yrs and I speak four languages: catalan, spanish, english and german. Since I was a little girl I have been passionate about being in contact with young children, teaching them, playing with them and taking care of them. My motivation: I would love to be an au ...
Hello! My name is Rhiez and I'm an aspiring Au pair from the Philippines. I am 18 years years of age I have no previous experiences as an Au pair abroad but I'm willing and ready to establish myself with anything i can learn to. I am fascinated in becoming an Au pair. I want to explore new ...
I want to be an Au pair because I just finished school last year and I am currently taking a gap year and I don't have anything to do. I would love to go abroad and live with a family because I want to see how beautiful other countries are and I want to enjoy and bond with the family
I chose this experience because it perfectly matches my desires and objectives: working with children, discovering a new culture through total immersion, and creating strong bonds with a family while perfecting a foreign language. I particularly enjoy taking care of children and supporting them in ...