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Luis R.

Luis R.

15-25 Altersgruppe

1 Kind , 1 - Jahre alt

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Start: 12 / 2015 - 01 / 2016
Verfügbar für: 12 months - 24 months
Name Luis R.
Staatsangehörigkeit Mexican
Gesprochene Sprache(n) Spanish
Wir leben in Mexico
Registriert am 05/03/2015
Letzte Anmeldung 3 months+
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this family. They may be scammers.

Persönliche Einführung

We are a couple in out late thirties with our first baby and with very demanding careers timewise. We live in very nice colonial neighborhood in Mexico City. We'd be happy to explore the possibilities of having an au pair for minimum a year. We can speak to au pair in Spanish but would like for the person to speak in her native language to the baby (English, German, Chinese...etc) so that the baby can be exposed to this new language from an early age. The au pair would have time to lake Spanish lessons (many schools/universities nearby). Further during week-ends au pair could enjoy week-end getaways to the lake or thermal baths if ahe so wishes. The au pair would have her own room and would be considered part of family.

Die Arbeit des Aupairs

Au pair would take care of baby most of the working day Monday-Friday, till 8pm or later. Possibility to arrange schedule if au pair want to take Spanish lessons. Au pair would be required to perform chores for baby (feeding, cleaning, bathing baby..etc) and would be required to clean after herself. Minor chores like some food shopping might be required. We have cleaning lady that comes once/twice a week to do house cleaning.


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Bevorzugtes Au Pair eines Geschlechts Weiblich
Aupair-Paare akzeptiert Nein
Das Aupair muss Auto fahren Nein
Betreuung älterer Menschen ist erforderlich Nein
Hausarbeit vom Aupair erwünscht Durchschnitt


Alleinerziehende Familie Nein
Unsere Religion Roman Catholic
Wir praktizieren unsere Religion Ja
Wir haben Kinder mit besonderen Bedürfnissen Nein
Wir benötigen Betreuung für Kinder unter 2 Jahren Ja