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Alexandra U.

Alexandra U.

15-25 Altersgruppe

1 Kind , 3 - Jahre alt

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Start: 06 / 2014 - 07 / 2015
Verfügbar für: 3 months - 18 months
Name Alexandra U.
Staatsangehörigkeit German
Gesprochene Sprache(n) English, German
Wir leben in Germany
Registriert am 12/01/2014
Letzte Anmeldung 3 months+
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this family. They may be scammers.

Persönliche Einführung

We are a small family. Michael works as an cluster designer and Alexandra started to work as a physician in surgery. Our child is very open and goes to the kindergarten. We love to sing and play instruments and making funny things with our daughter Jana. In the most things we are open-minded and interested in everything new and different. We live in a small village in the second and third floor of a house with a shop. The landscape is very interesting and there are good oppurtunities to use the open traffic (regullarily 2 times per hour). Stuttgart is 40 km away, Tübingen 11km, Rottenburg 8km and Herrenberg 10 km. In Herrenberg starts the suburban train to Stuttgart. We´ve never had an Au pair, but we are looking forward to this hopefully great expirience.

Die Arbeit des Aupairs

The Au pair should pick up Jana in the afternoon (17.00 pm) from kindergarten and play with her till we are at home. Normally Alexandra comes home at 17.30 pm. In the days when Michael is abroad the Au pair should bring Jana to the kindergarten in the morning. This is possible between 7.00 am and 9.00 am. Jana normally sleeps till 8.00 am. In the weekends when Alexandra is working, the Au-pair should play some hours with Jana when Michael does his sports. We even would be glad to get a little help in the housework, but in near future we will engage a cleaning woman.


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Bevorzugtes Au Pair eines Geschlechts Either
Aupair-Paare akzeptiert Nein
Das Aupair muss Auto fahren Nein
Betreuung älterer Menschen ist erforderlich Nein
Hausarbeit vom Aupair erwünscht Durchschnitt


Alleinerziehende Familie Nein
Unsere Religion Roman Catholic
Wir praktizieren unsere Religion Nein
Wir haben Kinder mit besonderen Bedürfnissen Nein
Wir benötigen Betreuung für Kinder unter 2 Jahren Nein