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Maria L.

Maria L.

25-35 Altersgruppe

1 Kind , newly born - Jahre alt

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Start: 04 / 2012 - 09 / 2014
Verfügbar für: 9 months - 24 months
Name Maria L.
Staatsangehörigkeit Spanish
Gesprochene Sprache(n) Spanish
Wir leben in Spain
Registriert am 02/02/2012
Letzte Anmeldung 3 months+
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this family. They may be scammers.

Persönliche Einführung

I am from Barcelona currently working and living in Seville, in the centre of the town. I will give birth to a baby in a few weeks and I would like someone to help me with the baby and the house. the father of the baby is Irish and he is currently in Seville but he may have to move in the next few weeks for work reasons. I smoke but most of the time i smoke outside the house (in the terraza) cause I understand it is not very nice. moreover, i would like to try and avoid making the baby and the au pair passive smokers. believe it or not I work in healthcare, so i try to respect these issues

Die Arbeit des Aupairs

I wish the au pair to help me with the baby and the house. the house is not very big but it needs cleaning. i don't think I am very picky, but there are minimum standards that need to be kept. If the au pair wants to go out at night one or two nights a week is ok for me. i can accommodate much of this. also, i think if the au pair is 100% of the time with the baby s/he will go crazy, so i will try to give this person some time on his/her own. In sum, i believe, whoever comes, if this person is happy then things will work out and if this person is not happy, i doubt the baby will be properly looked after, this is why I was thinking of giving this person at least one week-end off every month. also, i travel for work and this means that the au pair will be on his/her own with the baby every now and then for short periods


Bevorzugtes Au Pair eines Geschlechts Either
Aupair-Paare akzeptiert Nein
Das Aupair muss Auto fahren Nein
Betreuung älterer Menschen ist erforderlich Nein
Hausarbeit vom Aupair erwünscht Durchschnitt


Alleinerziehende Familie Nein
Unsere Religion Roman Catholic
Wir praktizieren unsere Religion Nein
Wir haben Kinder mit besonderen Bedürfnissen Nein
Wir benötigen Betreuung für Kinder unter 2 Jahren Ja