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Siobhan G.

Siobhan G.

35-45 Altersgruppe

2 Kinder , 6, 8 - Jahre alt

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Start: 07 / 2023 - 08 / 2023
Verfügbar für: 9 months - 24 months
Name Siobhan G.
Staatsangehörigkeit British
Gesprochene Sprache(n) English
Wir leben in United Kingdom
Registriert am 08/06/2023
Letzte Anmeldung 3 months+
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this family. They may be scammers.

Persönliche Einführung

Hi, We are a family of four. There is myself, Siobhan, my husband Mike and two young boys, currently 6 and 8 yrs. Mike works in an office in Aberdeen 4 days a week. I work from home 2 days a week and in the office for 3 my office is also in Aberdeen. Aberdeen is 60miles (100km) so we leave the house early.

Die Arbeit des Aupairs

0630 - I will leave for work 0800 - Get kids breakfasted and ready for school 0900 - Take boys to school 0915 - 1015 - Walk the dog 1015-1445 - Own time 1500 - Pick children up from school. Go on walk with dog and children 1545-1830 - Entertain/Homework/Afterschool clubs make dinner for the children 1830 - I will return from work I will either make dinner when i return home from work or Aupair will do this. The two days I work from home your work day will finish at 1600. Weekends are free. If the Aupair is required to work on a weekend they will get time off through the week. The aupair is welcome to join in our weekend activities but there is no pressure to do so


Bevorzugtes Au Pair eines Geschlechts Weiblich
Aupair-Paare akzeptiert Nein
Das Aupair muss Auto fahren Ja
Betreuung älterer Menschen ist erforderlich Nein
Hausarbeit vom Aupair erwünscht Durchschnitt


Alleinerziehende Familie Nein
Unsere Religion No Religion
Wir praktizieren unsere Religion Nein
Wir haben Kinder mit besonderen Bedürfnissen Nein
Wir benötigen Betreuung für Kinder unter 2 Jahren Nein