Au pair programs and visa information in Australia:
Australia does not have an official au pair program, however the Working Holiday Program provides opportunities for people between 18 and 30 from some countries (see below) to holiday in Australia and to supplement their travel funds through incidental employment.
The visa allows a stay of up to 12 months from the date of first entry to Australia, regardless of whether or not you spend the whole time in Australia. Click to apply for a visa online.
You are allowed to do any kind of work of a temporary or casual nature, but work for more than three months with any one employer is not permitted.
In order to go to Australia under the Working Holiday Program, an au pair must be a national of one of the following countries:
Nationals of New Zealand do not need a work permit to work in Australia. US citizens can apply for a "416" visa through BUNAC that will allow them to work in Australia for four months.
Australia is negotiating working holiday maker arrangements with a number of additional countries. Click for recent updates at the Department of Immigration.
Position details vary depending on the needs of individual families; the norm for work hours is a range of 20-40 hours per week, usually with two days off per week. Usual salary range is approximately Aus $150 to $200 per week.