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Single Family

Jozef D.

45+ Fascia di età

2 bambini , 3, 6 - anni

Inizia: 02 / 2022 - 05 / 2022
Disponibile per: 5 months - 24 months


Ik ben een Vlaams ingenieur. Ik werk en woon sinds 2004 in Vietnam. Mijn echtgenote is Vietnamese en we hebben een zoontje van 2 jaar (geboren 30 juli 2015). Ons 2de kindje is op komst en wordt verwacht begin maart 2018. We zoeken een Vlaamse Au pair die bij ons in Vietnam wil wonen en ons helpen ...

Janne L.

45+ Fascia di età

2 bambini , 5, 2 - anni

Inizia: 10 / 2018 - 04 / 2020
Disponibile per: 1 month - 12 months


We are a Finnish-Thai family living in Hanoi Vietnam. We have 2 kids, a boy 5 years and a girl 1y 8m. We are looking for Finnish speaking person to play and spend time with the kids to give them chance to listen and learn Finnish.

Jenny D.

25-35 Fascia di età

1 bambino , 0 - anni

Inizia: 08 / 2018 - 09 / 2018
Disponibile per: 12 months - 24 months


Our family exists of little baby Parker, a happy new born baby boy whom we call the boss. His Vietnamese nickname is cua, which means crab. He was born a bit early so he needs a lot of care, but he is happy and smiles a lot. He will make you fall in love with him instantly. His mummy is Jenny, ...

Thanh V.

25-35 Fascia di età

1 bambino , 2 - anni

Inizia: 08 / 2017 - 08 / 2019
Disponibile per: 12 months - 24 months


I have a 2 - year - old daughter, my husband is working far from our house and only visit home only 1 or 2 days per month. My daughter goes to school from Mon to Fri (7.30 am - 4.10 pm).

Ronan L.

25-35 Fascia di età

2 bambini , 1, 6 - anni

Inizia: 08 / 2014 - 02 / 2016
Disponibile per: 6 months - 24 months


We are a family living on the coast of Vietnam in a confortable house. We are both working so looking for someone to take care of our 1 year old baby

Cong V.

15-25 Fascia di età

1 bambino , 3,5 - anni

Inizia: 03 / 2014 - 03 / 2015
Disponibile per: 3 months - 24 months


I need an female Au Pair who is living in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. The Au Pair who will play with my son (3.5 year old) all by English.

Huyen cham D.

25-35 Fascia di età

2 bambini , 5, 3 - anni

Inizia: 05 / 2013 - 11 / 2014
Disponibile per: 3 months - 12 months


My family have 4 people, my husband, 2 sons and me. I looking for a person who speak English and has just graduated high school and stay at my home, teach English for my sons and play with them when they come back from their school.

Ted F.

25-35 Fascia di età

1 bambino , 3 - anni

Inizia: 07 / 2014 - 01 / 2016
Disponibile per: 12 months - 24 months


We ara good family