We are a warm and welcoming family of three living in Germany, looking forward to inviting you into our home and daily life. Our little family consists of Marius, an engineer, Izabela, a skilled cosmetologist, and our cheerful 9-month-old baby boy, Hugo, who is the light of our lives. Both of us ...
Wir sind eine kleine Familie die in einem Haus in München lebt. Davi geht in das letzte Kindergartenjahr. Ich arbeite in der IT aus dem Homeoffice. Wir suchen eine aufgeschlossene Person, die uns im Alltag unterstützt. Davi zum Kindergarten fährt und ihn bei den zukünftigen Hausaufgaben ...
- we are very handsome People, easy going - we have a very nice house in a quiet safe area - we look for a female aupair, which feels happy to be with us - our aupair will have her own living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom - every further information : - just ask :-)
I am 67 years old and severely disabled. I sit in a wheelchair. My wife cares of me. She needs some help. She plans to go to hospital for an operation and afterwards a few weeks to rehabilitation and needs more protection later. For this period I need someone who always stays with me and cares for ...
Wir leben in einer wunderschönen ruhigen Gegend mitten in der Hauptstadt Berlin. Du hast Dein eigenes eingerichtetes Zimmer in Haus.
Ich suche jemanden in der Europäischen Union, der mir hilft, meine 3-jährige Tochter zur Schule zu bringen und mit ihnen im Haus zu bleiben
Hola, Som una família mixta catalana-alemanya. El Maik és el meu marit, el Jordi el meu fill (8 anys) i jo em dic Elisenda. A casa es parla alemany i català. Necessitem algú que ensenyi i faci que el nostre fill mantingui el català a nivell natiu. Ja hem tingut dues Au pairs i jo mateixa vaig ...
We are a family of 4. Niklas (father) is 40 years old, myself (mother) 38 and our daughters Annie and Carla are 7 and nearly 4 years old. We live in a nice house in Friedrichsdorf (25 thousand inhabitants) which is really close to Frankfurt (appr. 20km). Niklas was born and raised in Germany but ...
We're an Australian/Dutch family of three, living in the center of Berlin, looking for an au pair because my wife is sick and cannot really help take care of our son at the moment. We try to live a calm and happy life, as much as a three year old allows for that ;) We're looking for someone ...