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Jiaye L.

Jiaye L.

22 età, Maschile

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Inizia: 02 / 2025 - 03 / 2025
Disponibile per: 1 month - 1 month
Nome Jiaye L.
Nazionalità Chinese
Lingua(e) parlata(e) Cantonese
Ora vive in China
Vuole diventare au pair in Ireland
Registrato il 17/02/2025
L’ultimo accesso 5 days ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this aupair. They may be scammers.

Introduzione personale

The au pair program deeply attract to me for several reasons. Beyond my fascination with a challenge myself. I think this as a good opportunity for genuine two-way cultural exchange. I'm eager to learn about American traditions, values, and perspectives, while also sharing my own Chinese culture and experiences with a host family. In fact, I love doing that because I once recommended Chinese kung Fu to my friends in Canada. Learning more excellent educational knowledge and theories is very important for my future growth and work. My passion for elementary education fuels my desire to care for children in a different cultural context. This is also the reason why I choose preschool education as my major. The time I've spent with my niece – playing games, reading stories, and simply engaging in her world – has not only been incredibly rewarding but has also strengthened my understanding of children's needs and the importance of patience and nurturing. The au pair program offers the invaluable opportunity to apply my existing skills while gaining practical experience in child development within a real-world family setting. More than just childcare, I see this as a chance to become a true member of the family to create cherished memories. This experience will be useful to my personal and professional growth, shaping me into a more well-rounded and capable educator. I like to help others, and I prefer to be a teacher.

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Hai lavorato prima nel paese selezionato? No
Località preferita Any
Farai i lavori domestici? Si
Ti prenderai cura dei bambini di età inferiore ai 2 anni? Si
Età preferita dei bambini 7,8,9,10,11-14
Accetterai una famiglia monoparentale? Si
Ti prenderai cura di bambini con bisogni speciali? Si
Ti prenderai cura degli animali domestici? Si
Ti prenderai cura degli anziani? Si


Stato civile Single
Fai parte di una coppia alla pari? No
Hai la patente di guida? Si
Da quanto tempo hai la patente di guida? da 3 e 4 anni
Sei disposto(a) a guidare? Si
Considerazioni dietetiche None
Religione No Religion
Pratichi la tua religione? No
Hai mai lavorato come Au pair? No