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Sakura H.

Sakura H.

23 età, Femminile

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Inizia: 12 / 2024 - 04 / 2026
Disponibile per: 6 months - 24 months
Nome Sakura H.
Nazionalità Japanese
Lingua(e) parlata(e) Japanese
Ora vive in Australia
Vuole diventare au pair in Australia
Registrato il 11/12/2024
L’ultimo accesso a week ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this aupair. They may be scammers.

Introduzione personale

????????I'm looking for WEEKEND-DEMI PAIR POSITION in Sydney???????? Hello future my host family???? My name is Sakura Horie:) I’m 23 years old, originally from Osaka, Japan???????? I’m currently looking for DEMI PAIR position starting from ASAP. I have been living in Sydney for 14 months . Student visa expires in November 2026. I love kids ????????????????and dogs???? I can describe myself active, friendly and talkative person. In Japan, I used to have two retrievers in my home. In addition to taking care of kids, I have also confident to take care of dogs. ⚠️Currently, I am working live-out nanny on Monday to Thursday in inner west. Looking for WEEKEND LIVE-IN NANNY POSITION. (Flexible hours and sometimes I can help you guys on weekdays also)⚠️ ???? Personally, looking for demi- Pair position because in addition to school twice a day, I already help other families. so probably I can't help you 15hrs a week. I am looking for live in position to get more experience in spending time with international people. ❤️Also, I am happy to pay rent❤️ You can pay me when I take care of your kids???????????????? About me:) ????????Native Japanese speaker ✏️Upper-intermediate English level I’m still learning English but, I’m trying to make myself understand in English. ????????Stayed in Sydney for 14 months and had Visited in Melbourne, Carins and Perth ( I love Australia very much????) ????Bachelor of Arts in English language???? ( Uni in Japan) ????Licenses ・Driver License NSW ・WWCC ・Registered Yoga Teacher 200????????‍♀️ ????????????????Childcare experiences I used to do both live in and out nanny / au pair in past 6 months with age from 1.5yo-7yo both MF. My main role was looking after their children while parents go to the work, cleaning their house and making small meals for children. I would say I have confidence to help you guys???? ????✨In Sydney, I had worked at local girls school located in Manly as Japanese teacher assistant????????????????‍???? ????No food allegies ????No pet allegies ????????Love cooking (especially Japanese foods) ????????Love nature feeling places (like montains and beaches) ????????‍♀️????Love yoga and healthy foods (not vegan and vegetarian ???? ) ????????????Love kids My friends describe me as a not only super talkative and friendly but also dilligent and hard- working person. I hope to find a truthworthy, kind and well understanding my life-styles. I’m looking for the families who can respect and help each other. If you hope I can share my home country’s culture ???????????????????? Thank you for reading all. If you any questions, feel free to ask me! Sincerely, Sakura Horie????????

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Età preferita dei bambini 4-
Accetterai una famiglia monoparentale? Si
Ti prenderai cura di bambini con bisogni speciali? Si
Ti prenderai cura degli animali domestici? Si
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Hai la patente di guida? Si
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Considerazioni dietetiche None
Religione No Religion
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