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Alvaro D.

Alvaro D.

28 età, Maschile

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Se scegli Findaupair puoi
Inizia: 01 / 2025 - 12 / 2025
Disponibile per: 1 month - 18 months
Nome Alvaro D.
Nazionalità Spanish
Lingua(e) parlata(e) English
Ora vive in Spain
Vuole diventare au pair in Denmark , Sweden , Poland
Registrato il 07/12/2024
L’ultimo accesso a week ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this aupair. They may be scammers.

Introduzione personale

My name is Álvaro, I am 27 years old, and I am from Spain. I am an open-minded, responsible person who is passionate about getting to know different cultures and learning from them. I have always had a great interest in cultural exchanges, and I love being around children, which has motivated me to apply for the Au Pair program. One of the main reasons I want to be an Au Pair is my desire to live an authentic experience in another country while sharing my time and skills with a family. I am drawn to the idea of being part of a home where I can contribute my knowledge and energy, while also learning about their customs, language, and lifestyle. I love working with children because I believe they have a unique perspective on the world, and being part of their growth and development is something very rewarding. The reason why I believe you should host me is that I am a reliable, patient person, and I am willing to adapt to your way of life. I take the wellbeing and safety of children very seriously, and I understand the importance of creating a safe and positive environment for them. I strive to be flexible and respect family dynamics, and I am confident that my proactive attitude and problem-solving skills will contribute to a positive experience for the whole family. I am very excited about the possibility of being part of your family and contributing to creating an environment where we can all learn from each other. I am sure that this experience will enrich all of us and will be unforgettable. Thank you very much for taking the time to read my letter. I am available for any questions and hope to have the opportunity to meet you soon. Best regards, Álvaro

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Hai lavorato prima nel paese selezionato? No
Località preferita Any
Farai i lavori domestici? No
Ti prenderai cura dei bambini di età inferiore ai 2 anni? No
Età preferita dei bambini
Accetterai una famiglia monoparentale? No
Ti prenderai cura di bambini con bisogni speciali? No
Ti prenderai cura degli animali domestici? Si
Ti prenderai cura degli anziani? No


Stato civile Single
Fai parte di una coppia alla pari? No
Hai la patente di guida? No
Da quanto tempo hai la patente di guida? Meno di 1 anno
Sei disposto(a) a guidare? No
Considerazioni dietetiche None
Religione Word of Life
Pratichi la tua religione? No
Hai mai lavorato come Au pair? No