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Garance P.

Garance P.

24 età, Femminile

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Inizia: 01 / 2025 - 06 / 2025
Disponibile per: 2 months - 5 months
Nome Garance P.
Nazionalità French
Lingua(e) parlata(e) French
Ora vive in France
Vuole diventare au pair in United Kingdom , Ireland
Registrato il 24/10/2024
L’ultimo accesso 6 hours ago
If you see a WhatsApp or email address here don’t contact this aupair. They may be scammers.

Introduzione personale

Since I've just finished studying law and am currently preparing to pass the bar exam in France in September 2025, I would like to make this extra year of preparation of the bar examen a real experience that would be a plus on my resume and for my personal development. My main aim as an au pair is to learn English completely, to discover a new culture and to meet a nice family with whom I could create a bond :) As a person, I'm serious, reasonable and warm. Always keen to discover new things. I have great organisational skills, both professionally and personally (particularly in organising outings, trips, etc., but also in tidying up...). I'm often described by my friends as "the group mum", always warm and funny, but serious when I need to be. During my free time I like to visit cities/ countryside/ castles/ museums/ historic monuments, to hike, to cook (I often cook for my family or my friends), to read, to watch tv show, and to spend time with my family or friends… I also love spending time with children as I have many cousins whom I have looked after several times and with animals (especially cats). Although I don't have any professional experience in au pair or professional babysitting, I have often babysit my little cousins and I did my middle school’ internship in a school so I know how to look after children after the age of 5/6. I'd love to help look after your children and teach them the basics of French :) Having a cat would be a big plus! I think I qualify for the position as I’m a very loving and caring person, very curious to discover a new culture, and wiling to teach new things to the children (cooking, french basics…)

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Hai lavorato prima nel paese selezionato? No
Località preferita A Town
Farai i lavori domestici? Si
Ti prenderai cura dei bambini di età inferiore ai 2 anni? No
Età preferita dei bambini
Accetterai una famiglia monoparentale? No
Ti prenderai cura di bambini con bisogni speciali? No
Ti prenderai cura degli animali domestici? Si
Ti prenderai cura degli anziani? No


Stato civile Single
Fai parte di una coppia alla pari? No
Hai la patente di guida? Si
Da quanto tempo hai la patente di guida? da 4 e 5 anni
Sei disposto(a) a guidare? Si
Considerazioni dietetiche None
Religione No Religion
Pratichi la tua religione? No
Hai mai lavorato come Au pair? No