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Ali H.

Ali H.

19 età, Maschile

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Inizia: 01 / 2025 - 05 / 2025
Disponibile per: 1 month - 24 months
Nome Ali H.
Nazionalità Turkish
Lingua(e) parlata(e) English
Ora vive in Bulgaria
Vuole diventare au pair in Germany , France , Spain
Registrato il 09/07/2024
L’ultimo accesso 3 months ago
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Introduzione personale

Hello I'm Ali I'm traveler who is interested in the knowledge , art and the culture of humanity I devoted many hours and days to help the children in the middle east ,refugees and the earthquake victims in turkiye also children and kids who faced demostic violence as kid i faced many things and i don't want anyone to experience what i faced I lived in some countries I want to learn more about the hosting families' cultures and languages I want to make friends along the way I want to spend my time with the kids because of their pure heart and mind and help them to grow mentally and emotionally and I want them to be strong enough to face the world I'm flexible and adaptive person I faced many problem as volunteer, organizer and babysitter I find new solutions by creative thinking and tolerance mind and organize the solutions in the right way so people can understand the plan and avoid the disasters as well with great communication skill I'll be able to hold a strong bond with the other participants and kids or elderly people I'm hardworking person with patience and Passion for my job ,with my creative and calm mind I'm able to give solutions and work on the plan for a better ending I worked with many children and read many articles,books and research in psychology about the behavior of the kids so I'm good with kids and i know how to react and act Also I'm artist and i know how to entertain the kids from sketching,painting,face painting,chess,origami and endless Sports and activities that can help me to get me closer to the kid's hearts. i want to study medicine and go to the countries that have healthcare problem and help the people I'm 3 time local chess champion with 3 cups and 4 medals I'm an artist and reader i like to read while drawing in the nature I'm polyglot who speaks 7 languages and I want to learn 20+ I love science and i read a lot of research books and articles I love philosophy and phycology with theology ofcrs I read the whole abrahamic books and i want to explore people's mind, heart's and History with culture of course I hope to be part of your family♡ Kind regards, Ali

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Farai i lavori domestici? Si
Ti prenderai cura dei bambini di età inferiore ai 2 anni? Si
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Ti prenderai cura di bambini con bisogni speciali? No
Ti prenderai cura degli animali domestici? Si
Ti prenderai cura degli anziani? Si


Stato civile Single
Fai parte di una coppia alla pari? No
Hai la patente di guida? No
Da quanto tempo hai la patente di guida? Meno di 1 anno
Sei disposto(a) a guidare? No
Considerazioni dietetiche None
Religione Islamic
Pratichi la tua religione? Si
Hai mai lavorato come Au pair? No