Sou apaixonada por crianças, animais e por conhecer novas culturas, o que me inspira a formar laços duradouros com as famílias com as quais convivo, sempre respeitando as particularidades de cada criança. Procuro uma família acolhedora e carinhosa, pois, estando longe da minha, espero poder me ...
After my experience in the US as an exchange student in 2017-2018 I’ve always wanted to do something similar away from my country. I decided to apply as an au pair because I think that connecting with a family is the best way to know and learn about a culture. I enjoy spending time with kids and ...
Dear Host Family My name is Signe Sparby, a 22-year-old from Finnmark, Norway. I am excited about the opportunity to live and work with a wonderful family like yours! I love spending time with children and believe I can bring positivity, fun, and a helping hand to your home. I value healthy living, ...
I want to be an au pair because I love children and I want to have experiance in that sector. Also to improve my level of english, that's why I choose english speakers locations.
Being an Au pair will help me learn about the Culture and lifestyle of other Countries. It's a great opportunity to learn new things and get to know people.
I would like to be an Au Pair to travel and get to know new places, customs, cultures and languages, to help families who need them in taking care of their children and taking care of their home.
Hello next host family! My name is Barbara P, I'm 18 years old and I'm a very sentimental girl. My dream has always been to travel the world, although now I have taken a sabbatical year for personal reasons, I want to invest it in myself and learning. I'm a fan of Pop music, reading and ...
????"Ich sehe meiner Zeit als Au-pair in Deutschland entgegen, um wertvolle Erfahrungen in der Kinderbetreuung zu sammeln, meine Deutschkenntnisse zu verbessern und Teil einer warmherzigen Gastfamilie zu werden." "Ich freue mich darauf, als Au-pair in Deutschland zu sein, um mich in die Kultur ...
je souhaite devenir fille au paire car j'aime découvrir des pays, de plus ça me permettrait de communiquer dans différentes langue et enfin de vivre une nouvelle expérience et de partager ma culture
I want to become an au pair because I truly enjoy spending time with children and helping them grow. I believe this experience will not only allow me to connect with kids in a meaningful way, but also improve my English and give me the chance to live in a new culture. I’m excited about learning ...